Application Materials


PI requirements:

  • New UofM faculty (since Fall 2019)
  • Junior faculty (including Clinical, Research, and Teaching Professors)
  • Graduate students
  • Faculty with little previous experience with grantwriting

Partner requirements:

  • UofM faculty with at least 5+ years experience at the UofM
  • Demonstrated success in submitting and/or obtaining externally funded proposals

Documents to submit (checklist, in this order in one PDF)

  • Cover letter
  • A biosketch formatted for either NSF/NIH/IES/etc. from the sciENcv website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sciencv/
  • Current and Pending Support document from the sciENcv website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sciencv/
  • 250 word project description
  • Letter of support from Partner
  • Submit proof of meeting (pdf of an email from pre-award coordinator) to identify 2-3 grants
  • List of 2-3 possible grants (including deadline, URL, and RFP)

Meeting with Pre-Award Coordinators

Please reach out to your unit’s Pre-Award Coordinator (PAC) to schedule a meeting with them in order to help identify 2-3 grant opportunities that may interest you. If you do not know who your PAC is and your unit is not listed below, please reach out to Madison Austin (mraustin@memphis.edu).

Who are the Pre-Award Coordinators?

Madison Austin - Institute for Intelligent Systems + Faculty Affiliates - mraustin@memphis.edu

Emilie Bowman - College of Arts and Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, CERI, Earth Sciences) - fbowman1@memphis.edu

Mary Earhart Brown - College of Arts and Sciences (CCEPR, SUAPP, Social Work, Public Safety, Public and Nonprofit Admin, Anthropology, Crim) - mrhrtbrw@memphis.edu

Kit Lopez Boone - College of Engineering - mlboone1@memphis.edu

Maureen Smith - Department of Psychology - msmth183@memphis.edu

Meghan Taylor - School of Public Health - mbmadows@memphis.edu

Mikhelle Taylor - College of Arts and Sciences (Computer Science, Math, Physics) - mtylor80@memphis.edu

Janet Wiens - College of Education - jawiens@memphis.edu


In order to receive the stipend, all PIs (not co-PIs) must attend two of the first three sessions on Zoom (May 31 through June 14).


Document uploads and group discussions will be held on Canvas

Weekly meetings will be held via Zoom

Apply by May 5 >>>