Undergraduate Curriculum

Sociology Major

To receive a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree with a major in Sociology, you must complete the University's general education curriculum as well as the requirements of the sociology major. The entire major requires 33 hours - 18 are core courses (listed below) and 15 are upper division electives that focus on issues that interest the student. One of our primary goals is to provide our majors with a comprehensive liberal arts education centered on sociology as an approach to life.

The Core

  • SOCI 1010 - Introduction to Sociology (3)
  • SOCI 3300 - Careers in Sociology (1)
  • SOCI 3301 - Writing in Sociology (2)
  • SOCI 3311 - Social Statistics (3)
  • SOCI 3322 - Methods of Social Research (3)
  • SOCI 4210 - Rise of Sociological Theory (3) OR SOCI 4211 - Contemporary Social Theory (3)
  • SOCI 4995 - Senior Capstone Seminar (3) OR SOCI 4998 - Honors Thesis (3)

For course descriptions, go to the Undergraduate Course Catalog

For students needing permits to enroll in any classes, please review these permit instructions.

Sociology Minor

Students with majors in other disciplines may choose to enhance their professional qualifications with a minor in Sociology. The Sociology minor requires a total of 18 hours.


  • SOCI 1010 - Introduction to Sociology
  • 15 upper-division hours in SOCI