Cosetta Gaudenzi
Associate Professor of Italian, Head of Section

- Laurea, Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bologna, Italy, 1992
- M.A., Translation Studies, Warwick University, UK, 1993
- Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of Texas at Austin, USA, 2000
About Dr Gaudenzi
Dr. Cosetta Gaudenzi is Associate Professor of Italian and Section Head of the Italian Program at the University of Memphis and has recently joined the executive committee of the American Association of Italian Studies (AAIS Treasurer). She has a Laurea from the University of Bologna, Italy; a Master's degree in Translation Studies from the University of Warwick, UK; and a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Texas at Austin. She has taught Italian language and culture at the University of Texas at Austin; the College of Charleston; the University of Georgia, Athens; and Gettysburg College. At the University of Memphis she has been offering courses in Italian language (in person and online), cinema, and literature, and has regularly organized a Summer Italian language Study Abroad Program to the University of Bologna. Recently, she joined the Honors Forum and taught the course "Food Culture and Italian Identity". Her publications discuss the use of dialect and language in Italian cinema (including "Guido Chiesa and Postmodern Impegno," "Marco Bellocchio's Buongiorno, notte and the Language of the Brigate Rosse," and "Memory, Dialect, Politics: Linguistic Strategies in Fellini's Amarcord"), the reception of Dante in the English-speaking world (including "Dante's Introduction to the United States as Investigated in Matthew Pearl's The Dante Club," and "Gothic Translations of Dante's Ugolino Episode in Eighteenth-and Early Nineteenth-Century Great Britain"), and the adoption of Gothic motifs in Italian literature ("Women and Colonial Propaganda in Italy: Carolina Invernizio's Odio di Araba"). She is currently writing a book on the use of spoken sounds and regionalisms in contemporary Italian cinema. As far as service is concerned, she has organized an Italian Film Festival for the University of Memphis and the Memphis community every year since 2014 and she has regularly led weekly meetings of the Italian Table since 2002.