The University of Memphis Herbarium
Phone - 901.678.2581
Office - 3700 Walker Ave, Room 216
Office Hours - By Appointment
After 15 years as an orphaned natural history collection, we are pleased to announce the restoration of the herbarium at the University of Memphis. The collection contains about 20,000 vascular plant specimens, making it the 4th largest herbarium in the state and an important resource for the study of the flora of West Tennessee and surrounding areas.
The herbarium is now ready to support undergraduate and graduate research in botanical, taxonomic, and ecological studies as well as serve the local community and assist visiting researchers. We can provide materials for classroom study and genetic analysis, help students find research resources, and offer hands-on training in collections management. As the herbarium builds momentum it will have much more to offer—with the goal of generating more student interest in scientific exploration.
The Herbarium webpage is new and in development. Please come back soon for expanded information and news updates.
Volunteer Opportunity:
The collection is currently being curated and could use your help. We are in the process of putting the entire collection online and are looking for volunteers to enter data from the specimen labels, along with a variety of other tasks. If you have an interest in plants, taxonomy, natural history, museum studies, field collection trips, or would just like to help out, please contact Darrell Brandon d.brandon@memphis.edu.