Student Dining Agreement Terms & Conditions
The following information is not intended to be comprehensive and is subject to change.
Tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change by administrative, federal or state
legislative changes, or University of Memphis Board of Trustees action, and changes
become effective on the date enacted. Tuition and fee charges for all courses will
be assessed by a student’s level and residency status. Students enrolled in the UM-Global
are assessed tuition and fees based on the level of their program. The University
reserves the right to correct errors in student fee assessments and charges which
are discovered subsequent to the initial billings or fee statements.
These terms and conditions shall apply to the meal plans offered by the University of Memphis (UM) which can be found online at UofM Dining. The terms and conditions of this agreement apply to residential students (i.e. residing in UofM Housing) as well as to non-residential students (i.e., students residing in an off-campus location), subject to the particular requirements of the plan which are detailed herein.
General Overview
UM offers several options for students which are subject to these terms and conditions. All Meal Plans described below are nontransferable and non-assignable. Usage of meal plans is subject to University closures and dining facility operations’ calendars.
General Meal Plans: These plans provide resident and non-resident students with a semester or weekly allotment of meals in addition to a specified Flex Bucks allotment. Pricing is dependent upon the number of meals purchased. General Meal Plans are purchased for the duration of an academic year; therefore, Plans are renewed automatically from Fall to Spring. General Meal Plans run from Sunday-Saturday during each semester. Meals are not valid between semesters or during Spring Break (Saturday to Sunday). Meal counts are not subject to carry forward from week to week and unused meal counts will not carry forward from Fall to Spring.
Flex Bucks: This declining balance plan is included on certain General Meal Plans. Flex Bucks may be used in all campus restaurant and market locations with the exception of the bookstore Starbucks location or vending operations. Flex Bucks will carry forward from Fall to Spring, provided that the student remains enrolled at the University and on a valid meal plan. Flex Bucks funds are subject to continued enrollment and expire (i.e. are forfeited) at the end of the Spring semester (per the University academic calendar), if the student leaves the University, or if the student is released from the contract for any reason.
Dining Hall Policies
UofM Dining reserves the right to control the use of Meal Plans as well as implement and enforce policies regarding student and guest behavior, attire, and frequency of use within its dining facilities.
Meal Plan charges are posted to student accounts and are payable according to standard semester due dates for tuition and fees, as posted on the University & Student Business Services site. Any Meal Plan charges generated after the due date for tuition and fees are due and payable immediately. Failure to pay fees or make use of the Meal Plan does not constitute a release from the Meal Plan/Student Dining Agreement with the University. All fees associated with the purchase of a Meal Plan may be financed through a payment plan when applicable with University and Student Business Services. Unpaid charges may result in cancellation of registration and holds for future registration and transcript access.
Students residing in UofM Housing who opt to purchase a Meal Plan will not be assessed state/local sales tax on their meal plan purchase. Non-residential students who opt to purchase a Meal Plan will be assessed state/local sales tax when purchasing a meal plan.
Dining charges are subject to change within the discretion of the University and changes become effective on the date enacted. The University of Memphis reserves the right to correct errors for any dining plan charges which are discovered subsequent to the initial billing or fee statements.
Accommodations and Exemptions
UofM strives to provide a variety of meal options, including vegetarian and vegan selections. Although not guaranteed, special diets can generally be accommodated within our regular offerings. Students with special diets must provide appropriate paperwork or a dietary plan from the student’s physician documenting a need for exemption from meal plan requirements. UofM Dining cannot assume any liability for adverse reactions to food consumed, or items one may come in contact with while eating at any UofM Dining facility or catered event.
For periods of sickness or hospitalization, a Meal Plan exemption and/or refund can be requested for meals missed during periods of sickness or hospitalization. Medical verification must be provided USBS Campus Card Office via a Dining Appeal. Dining appeals must be submitted during the current registered term in which the dining fee assessment was made. Appeal requests must be received by the filing deadline date. Exceptions to the deadline will not be granted. The following deadlines will apply, fall semester appeals by November 1st and Spring semester appeals by March 1st
Residential students who contract for a residential Meal Plan and subsequently move out of UofM housing will be converted to the non-resident student version of their current Meal Plan. Applicable state/local sales tax will be added to the remaining portion of the Meal Plan and charged to the student’s Tiger Xpress account.
Term and Cancellation
Meal plan selections are made for the entire academic year. The initial meal plan selection can be changed through the meal plan change/cancel deadline of the term in which the initial meal plan selection is made. A meal plan selected in the fall term will be the same in effect for the spring term and changes cannot be made for the spring. Students making their first meal plan selection in the spring will have until the spring meal plan change/cancel deadline to cancel or change a meal plan. Meal plan change dates are available on the USBS Calendar by term.
Due to each plan having a unique daily rate, an additional charge or credit may be incurred if the student changes their plan after the semester begins.
Meal Plan purchases are effective at the beginning of each semester term with the first meal served, which is typically breakfast on or before the first day of classes for that term. The last meal served for the semester term will be the evening meal of the last day of final exams for that semester term. All scheduled serving days are in accordance with the University academic calendar and are subject to change if the calendar should be revised.
Meal Plan contracts may only be cancelled upon a student’s withdrawal from the University. Approved contract cancellations will be refunded, in accordance with the UofM’s published refund schedule on the University and Student Business Services website, based on the date the student appeals to cancel or the last day the plan is used, whichever comes later.
Force Majeure. In the event of an unforeseeable cause beyond the control of and without the negligence of the University, including but not limited to fire, flood, other severe weather, acts of God, interruption of utility services, acts of terrorism, pandemic, epidemic, government restrictions, or the like, the University reserves the right to maintain the safety of the premises by any means, including but not limited to closing or limiting access to campus and/or temporarily closing or restricting use of University residence facilities. Such actions shall not be considered a breach of contract and the University shall not be obligated to refund any amount already paid pursuant to this agreement.
Credits & Refunds
Students who wish to make a change to their Meal Plan selection may do so within the approved time frame a maximum of 2 times. Students making that change within the approved time frame will receive a credit for their existing Meal Plan and/or a new charge for the Plan they are changing to. Credit amounts will be calculated in proportion to the date of the change and usage amounts/days. Credits/refunds will not be provided upon expiration of this change period.
Students, meeting necessary criteria, who are released from their Meal Plan/Student Dining Agreement with the University will be refunded the unused meal days and flex bucks of their Meal Plan based on the Meal Plan/UofM Dining refund schedule. This refund schedule is pursuant to the UofM’s published schedule on the University and Student Business Services website.
The effective date for any Meal Plan refund will be the date that the student officially withdraws, has the Meal Plan account invalidated, or is released from the contract, whichever occurs later. Percentages reflected below will be adjusted for the actual amount of Flex Bucks and meal days used prior to release from the Meal Plan.
Refunds will not be given for meals missed due to academic scheduling conflicts or trips taken by the resident for academic or extracurricular purposes.
Contact Us
For billing inquiries, dining plan questions, appeals or ID card questions, questions, please contact University and Student Business Services at 901-678-2712 or select an online option below. For general questions or dining concerns, please contact UofM Dining (901) 395-7584.