Grants and Contracts

In CEPR, we have a number of on-going sponsored programs. These grants and contracts include research, training, and clinical services programs. Our current sponsored programs portfolio is (from inception of award) $5,519,043. Our current portfolio includes the following awards:

Principal Investigator Source Title Direct Costs* Indirect Costs* Total Costs*
Lavonnie Perry Claybon Tennessee Department of Human Services MACT - VR Assistive Technology $216,957 $32,543 $249,500
Chris Mueller National Science Foundation (Internal Subaward) Learners' Data Institute: Harnessing The Data Revolution To Improve The Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Engagement of The Learning
$14,349 $47,335
Chris Mueller Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Subaward via Texas Tech University) Rural Tennessee Innovation Pilot $45,454
$4,546 $50,000
Eraina Schauss University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center Adverse Childhood Experiences $15,000
$0 $15,000
Eraina Schauss University of Memphis Research Foundation (Internal Subaward) iIMPACT Pregnant Moms' Program $18,221
$3,644 $21,865
Chrisann Schiro-Geist U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration Project FIRST (Finding Innovative Rehabilitation Services Training) $1,834,310
$139,954 $1,974,264
Chrisann Schiro-Geist Tennessee Department of Human Services Pre-Employment Transition Services $594,000
$0 $594,000
Leigh Williams National Science Foundation (Internal Subaward) Promoting Success in Early College Mathematics through Graduate Teacher Training (PSECM-GTT): Phase II $94,117
$40,941 $135,058
Leigh Williams Memphis Research Consortium (Internal Subaward) Evaluating community-based, strengths-focused interventions for children and families experiencing adversity $34,428
$0 $34,428
Yonghong Jade Xu National Science Foundation Near Peer mentoring for STEM students $440,386
$159,606 $599,992
Stephen Zanskas U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration Rehabilitation Counselor Training Program $985,448
$14,552 $1,141,204
Stephen Zanskas Health Resources and Services
Administration (Internal Subaward)
Memphis Opioid Workforce Paraprofessional Expansion Program $143,917
$4,313 $148,231
Stephen Zanskas Health Resources and Services
Administration (Internal Subaward)
Midsouth Integrated Behavioral Health Training Initiative $494,228
$13,938 $508,166


* Award values include only those dollars awarded to CEPR. Subawards from other units do not include dollars dedicated to that other unit. All values are from inception of award.