Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Allies (LGBTQA) Research Team
Research Team Description: Our research focuses on the LGBT community, particularly within trauma research and issues specific to both the LGB and the Trans* community. We try to mix projects relevant to the LGBT community of Memphis with national surveys to promote community engagement and advocacy both locally and nationally. Besides trying to get our work published, we have presented an average of 4 presentations at APA, 2 presentations at diversity related conferences, and 1.5 presentations at international conferences per year for the last four years. Occasionally – we get a little side-tracked by a sex-work related study...
Current Projects:
A qualitative survey of educational and support service needs among mental health providers working with the Trans* Community in the Memphis area. A quantitative project researching the connection between trauma and psychological well-being for LGBT individuals. A quantitative study investigating the role of gender role conflict in intimate partner violence among same-sex-couples. A qualitative survey of educational and support service by Trans* people living in the Memphis area. A quantitative project exploring PTSD symptomology among bi-sexual men or women who have experienced interpersonal trauma, and a qualitative project looking at grief and resilience in older gay men living through the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South. The stories of human traffickers – How did they get there?
Select Publications or Work Under Review:
Cole, F. C., Ovrebo, E. & Emery, H. E. (in review). Interpersonal trauma and PTSD
symptomology among non-heterosexual men: A closer look at gender role beliefs and
minority stress.
Ovrebo, E., Cole, F. C., Dunn, J., Emery, H. E. (in review). Interpersonal trauma and PTSD symptomology: Comparing Cisgender LGBs with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Adults.
Nicholson J. D., Ovrebo, E., Lease, S. H., & Dunn, J. P. (in review). Mental health trainees' perceptions of intimate partner violence within diverse same-sex couples.
Horne, S. G., Ovrebo, E., Levitt, H. M., & Franeta, S. (2009). Leaving the herd: The lingering threat of difference for same-sex desires in postcommunist Russia. Sexuality Research & Social Policy: A Journal of the NSRC, 6(2), 88-102. doi:10.1525/srsp.2009.6.2.88
Levitt, H. M., Ovrebo, E., Anderson-Cleveland, M. B., Leone, C., Jeong, J. Y., Arm, J. R., & ... Horne, S. G. (2009). Balancing dangers: GLBT experience in a time of anti-GLBT legislation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56(1), 67-81. doi:10.1037/a0012988
Select Conference Presentations:
Cole, F. C., Ovrebo, E., Emery, H. E., Willis, E., Turner, L., Bruijn, B. (2015, August).
Interpersonal trauma, help-seeking behavior, and PTSD among LGBT individuals. Poster
presented at the 123rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,
Toronto, Canada.
Dunn, J. P., Brown, E. L., Ovrebo, E, Ethridge, M. R., Gates, J. H., Pitre, L. C., Trigg, T. H.,Murphy, H., Loew, M. M., & Bruijn, B. B. (2015, August). Investigating needs in the Trans* Community: A literature analysis. Poster presented at the 123rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association., Toronto, Canada.
Emery, H. E., Ovrebo, E., Cole, F. C., Willis, E., Turner, L, & Bruijn, B. (2015, August). Gender Role Conflict, and Intimate Partner Violence in Same-Sex Couples. Poster presented at the 123rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Schaeffer, M. S., Ovrebo, E., Turner, L., & Loew, M. M. (2015, August). Older men who have sex with men: Perceptions of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South. Poster presented at the 123rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Loew, M. M., Ovrebo, E., & Sagrestano, L. (2014 September). Risky behaviors among HIV positive men who have sex with men: Are there cohort differences? Poster presented at the Inaugural ACA ALGBTIC Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Jehu, C., Ovrebo, E. & Sobieski, J. (2014, March). Taking diversity beyond research and the classroom - How to start community engaged efforts even in Graduate School. Round table discussion presented at the APA Division 17 Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.