Undergraduate Majors

A student can major in economics through the Fogelman College of Business and Economics, by earning a BBA degree in Business Economics or with a Financial Economics concentration. A Student can also major in economics through the College of Arts and Sciences, by earning a BA degree in Economics.

Bachelor of Arts in Economics (B.A.)
Completion of 30 semester hours, including ECON 2010, 2020, 3310, 3320, and 18 additional upper division semester hours in economics courses as approved by the department advisor.

Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Economics (B.B.A.)
Completion of 24 upper-division semester hours, including ECON 3310, 3320, and 18 additional upper division semester hours in economics courses as approved by the department advisor.

Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Economics with a concentration in Financial Economics (B.B.A.)
Completion of 24 upper-division semester hours, including ECON 3310, 3320, and three upper-division economics courses (9 hours) and three upper-division FIR courses (9 hours) selected with the approval of the department advisor.

Honors Degree in Economics
The department of Economics is one of the few departments at the University of Memphis where a student can obtain a departmental honors degree, whether they major in economics through the College of Arts and Sciences or through Fogelman College of Business and Economics.