Welcome to Financial Accounting & Reporting!
Important Notice: Our office will be open for tax services for walk-ins Monday through Friday from 2:00-4:30 p.m. only, effective August 10, 2020. These hours are subject to change in the future.
The offices within the Financial Accounting & Reporting area are located on the west end of the Administration Building. The overall function of this area is to oversee the operations of the Accounting and Payroll offices & University and Student Business Services. We also work closely with Financial Planning and Analysis. Other functions of Financial Accounting & Reporting include providing direct customer service to non-resident aliens regarding tax issues and responding to student fee appeals.
Departmental Information
Mailing Address:
276 Administration Building
Memphis, TN 38152
Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 901.678.2261 | Fax: 901.678.5334 | E-mail: financeoffice@memphis.edu