Dissertation Defense Announcement

College of Education announces the Final Dissertation Defense of

Kelley Vandecoevering

for the Degree of Doctor of Education

June 7, 2019 at 11:00 AM ,Skype

Advisor: Edith Gnanadass

Code of Silence: Fostering Accidents in a Military Workplace

ABSTRACT: "The purpose of this qualitative case study was to describe the employee perspective of how leadership influenced their workplace safety in an active duty military environment. The participants in this case study were observed while working in their normal environment, interviewed, and then historical records were reviewed. During the interviews and observations, the researcher attempted to describe how the participants engaged in workplace safety with and then without their supervisors present. Data obtained through the case study was analyzed and two major themes emerged: (1) recreating a military structure; and (2) leading from the front. Based on the data from this case study, it appears the research site needs to recognize the unique needs veterans bring to the workplace. Future implications for research and practice include understanding the needs of veterans in a workplace as well as how to best meet those needs. Keywords: military workplace, workplace safety, veterans, leading from the front, leadership, adult learning, modeling behavior "