Research Technology Advisory Committee

The Research Technology Advisory Committee shall advise the CIO and the Executive VP of Research on technologies and issues related to academic research; shall develop and review research technology standards, guidelines, and policies; shall advise on priorities for academic research technology initiatives; provide a forum for investigation and advises on new research technologies, and facilitate communications regarding academic research computing initiatives between UofM and various external research partners (corporations, government agencies, and other higher education institutions.


The Research Technology Advisory Committee shall advise the CIO and the Executive VP of Research on technologies and issues related to academic research; shall develop and review research technology standards, guidelines, and policies; shall advise on priorities for academic research technology initiatives; provide a forum for investigation and advises on new research technologies, and facilitate communications regarding academic research computing initiatives.


Representatives from colleges, research institutes, and the Office of Executive VP of Research are appointed by the Vice-President of Research. One member appointed by Faculty Senate. The chair is appointed by the Vice-President of Research, 2-year term. The Director of Research Computing works with the Chair to establish the agenda and to facilitate coordination with other IT initiatives and groups.

Member Role

To provide input on behalf of constituents; to disseminate technology related research information; to assist in implementing IT policy and procedures; to make recommendations with a University perspective. The committee meets as needed throughout the academic year.

Advisory Path

Policy to the IT Policy & Planning Council; advisory to the Director of Research Computing, CIO and Executive VP of Research.


Cody Behles
K. Brandon Bell
Jasbir S. Dhaliwal
Mohamed Laradji
Erno Istvan Lindner
Douglas Powell
Genae D. Strong
Hongmei Zhang, chair