Faculty Mentor: Enrica Ruggs
Faculty Mentor’s Department: Management
Contact Information:
Project Description: Hired research assistants will have the opportunity to work on different projects related to workplace discrimination, diversity and inclusion. The primary project the student will be assigned to is examining how race and gender influence career experiences and trajectories toward leadership for Black women. A qualitative interview study with Black women in leadership was conducted to examine these women’s experiences in moving up toward leadership. We examine factors related to negative experiences such as stereotypes and discrimination, identity management strategies such as being authentic and finding support systems, and perceptions of how the intersection of race and gender affect them differently than other groups (e.g., Black men, White women and men). Research assistants will be involved in helping code data, conduct literature reviews, analyzing data. Other skills that will be developed in this assistantship include: developing surveys, quantitative data analysis, and writing research papers.
Requirements for Student Applicants: Psychology, business, sociology, or closely related fields majors preferred (or minor in one of these areas)
Application or Interview Process: A brief overview stating research interests, previous research experience (if any), and future goals upon graduation
Hours per Week the Student Will Work: 10-15 hrs/wk
Starting Date: TBD