Dr. Katherine Hendrix Selected to Receive NCA Award for Outstanding Teaching
August 14, 2015 - Dr. Katherine G. Hendrix, professor of communication at the University
of Memphis, has been named the recipient of the Donald H. Ecroyd Award for Outstanding
Teaching in Higher Education. The award, which will be presented in Las Vegas in November,
honors a National Communication Association (NCA) member who exemplifies outstanding
teaching in higher education.
Hendrix is an instructional communication scholar with a broad teaching range including argumentation, interpersonal and intercultural communication, and qualitative research methods. Her teaching extends to the community in a partnership between the UofM and the Methodist Hospital system, where Hendrix served as the communication expert for the Maurice Elliott Leadership Institute from its inception until 2013.
She is dedicated to the scholarship of teaching, and studies professor and graduate teaching assistant (GTA) communication contributing to their classroom credibility. Hendrix has a particular interest in the educational contributions of and challenges faced by professors and GTAs of color, including international graduate teaching assistants with English as a Second Language who teach oral performance courses.
In 2013, Hendrix was presented the UofM Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Research in the Humanities. She received the 2012 Southern States Communication Association Michael Osborn Teacher-Scholar Award, and in 2011 she received the College of Communication and Fine Arts Dean's Research Award at the UofM.
NCA serves the scholars, teachers, and practitioners who are its members by enabling and supporting their professional interests in research and teaching.