UofM Lambuth Campus Grant Will Focus on School Support in West Tennessee

August 14, 2015 - The University of Memphis Lambuth Campus has received a $3.75 million grant from the Tennessee Department of Education, Division of Special Populations and Student Support for the West Tennessee RTI2 - Behavior Project, which will focus on establishing a positive behavioral environment in schools.

The grant will go toward developing a multi-tiered system to support students who struggle academically by providing intervention to help them meet their educational needs. For students who need additional support with behavioral problems, research-based intervention techniques and targeted strategies will be available to assist teachers. The goal of the project is to establish a positive environment so that good behaviors are positively reinforced.

Dr. Renee Murley, assistant chair of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership (ICL) at the Lambuth Campus, will serve as principal investigator; Dr. William Hunter, assistant professor of ICL at the Memphis campus, will be co-principal investigator; and Paula Brownyard will be project director. They will work with the Tennessee Department of Education to develop a framework for the state. The staff will offer technical assistance and training for district and school leadership teams for schools in West Tennessee that implement RTI2 - Behavior.

"We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with the Tennessee Department of Education, Division of Special Populations and Student Support in offering assistance to school districts in West Tennessee," said Murley. "Teachers often request support in addressing behavioral problems in the classroom. RTI2 - Behavior is designed to assist teachers in establishing an environment of a multi-tiered system of support, grounded in research-based practices."

For more information, contact Paula Brownyard at 901-678-1955 or pgbrwnyr@memphis.edu.

Contact: Paula Brownyard