University of Memphis Alumni Association Appoints New Board of Directors President and Executive Officers

Aug. 30, 2021 — Members of the University of Memphis Alumni Association (UMAA) recently affirmed a slate of new national executive officers, national executive board of directors and advisors.

Nestor Rodriguez (BA ’02) was named as president of UMAA. The University of Memphis alumnus is a UMAA life member and founder of the Hispanic Alumni Chapter of the UMAA.

“We are excited to welcome new executive leadership into the Alumni Association,” said Joanna Curtis, vice president for University Advancement. “This group of community volunteers represents the more than 160,000 alumni of the University of Memphis and will work together over the next couple of years to develop a more strategic direction for the UMAA while creating meaningful experiences and opportunities for alumni to engage with the UofM.”

Rodriguez said he plans to bring more awareness to the importance of endowed scholarships during his tenure as president.

“I am forever grateful for scholarships I received and know their importance,” said Rodriguez. “We have many great scholarships, an outstanding selection process in place and amazing applicants in students. The need for scholarships is never-ending.”

In addition to Rodriguez’s appointment, four other members were appointed as national executive officers. Dr. Mario Brown (BS '03, EdD '12) will serve as vice president of Membership. Karimeh McDaniel (BA ’02) will serve as vice president of Communications. Marty Kelman (MEd '76, MBA '81) will serve as vice president of Finances and Sharyn Ellison (BBA '95) will serve as vice president of programming and events. In addition to the newly appointed members, Summer Owens will serve as past president.

The newly appointed national executive board of directors’ members include, Maira Guerrero Tucker (BPS '14), Roberto Young (BEE '02, BSCE '03), Cary Vaughn (BA '93) - UofM Lambuth representative, Dr. Samuel Pieh (BA '01) and Andrew Mok (BBA '18, MBA '19).

The mission of the University of Memphis Alumni Association is to engage alumni, former students and friends in three challenges: advocating the ideals of the University, advancing its welfare and fostering life-long relationships with the institution. Its vision is to enrich the lives of its constituents by providing opportunities for engagement with the University to assist them in establishing lifelong, meaningful and valued relationships with the University of Memphis and each other.

To learn more about the affirmed members, visit alumni.memphis.edu/nationalboard.