Honors Program's Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring Award

Honors students from across the University of Memphis campus have the opportunity to nominate a professor for the Honors Program's Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring Award. The award is intended to recognize demonstrated excellence in mentoring undergraduate researchers, and to convey the Honors Program's high regard for such contributions made by our faculty.

Any faculty member who mentors honors students in research may be nominated. Nominations will ONLY be accepted from current undergraduates. The winner will be recognized at the Honors Program's Awards Luncheon in April, 2014.

To nominate your faculty mentor for the award, please submit the following information to the Director of the Honors Program at mljones6@memphis.edu by Tuesday, April 8, 2014:

1. A nomination letter (up to two pages), which includes:

  • Name of nominee, as well as his or her current position and academic unit;
  • A description of how the nominee supports and promotes undergraduate research and creative and scholarly achievements at the University of Memphis;
  • Name and signature of nominator.

2. Supporting letters from faculty members and current or former undergraduate mentees are encouraged but not required.