Instructions on Setting Up & Submitting Dossier Folders

Promotion and/or Tenure (P&T) dossiers are to be submitted and processed online using OneDrive. Below is a step-by-step description of the process and responsible party.

For additional information on OneDrive, please visit the UMtech/ITS website or contact your departments LSP. 

Navigating to OneDrive

  • Go to OneDrive (https://onedrive.live.com/login/
    • If this is your first time logging in, use your UofM credentials to log in and select "Work or School" account when prompted.

  • Click on the "Waffle" icon in the top left corner and select "OneDrive".


  • Click on the "Shared" link and navigate to your College or School's Tenure & Promotion Repository.

    shared folder



To start the process, the Dean's Office will follow these instructions on creating and naming specific folders in OneDrive.

  • Create a ‘YEAR’ folder for the calendar year that the applicants would receive the promotion and or tenure on September 1.

  • Then create folders for each department with candidates seeking promotion and or tenure.

  • The folders should be named with the departmental abbreviation (anth, biol, chem). 

  • Create a folder for each applicant within the appropriate departmental folder.

  • The applicant folders should be named with the applicant’s last name, first name (example 'Tiger, Tom').

  • Once the applicant folder is created, select the folder and click the “Share” icon either next to the applicants name or at the top of the page. *

    share icon  

  • Enter the email address of the candidate and click "Send". By default, applicants will have "Can Edit" permissions which is read, write, and delete access.*

    can edit icon

  • *NOTE: when updating permissions for various individuals in the steps below, follow the same steps that were taken above to share the the applicants folder.  
    • Select the folder
    • Click "Share"
    • Enter the email addresses of the committee members/chair(s)
    • Click the pencil/dropdown arrow and select the appropriate sharing permission. 
APPLICANT | April - August
  • Applicants will receive an email notification with a link to their specific folder.

  • Applicants need to upload materials within the timelines specified by their department.

  • Once the applicant has uploaded their materials, the Dean’s Office will updates the folders permissions to the following: 
    1. Turn OFF/Stop Sharing access for APPLICANT.

    2. Turn ON "Can View" access for:
      • Department P&T Committee MEMBERS

    3. Turn ON "Can Edit" access for:
      • Department P&T Committee CHAIR
      • Department CHAIR
  • Once access has been granted, the chairs and committee members will receive an email notification with a link to the applicant’s specific folder.

  • Department P&T Committee CHAIR uploads external reviewer documents. (7.2 - 7.3 - 7.4)

  • Department P&T Committee MEMBERS review and vote.

  • Department P&T Committee CHAIR signs and uploads statement. (3.2)

  • Department P&T Committee CHAIR signs and uploads Recommendation Form (1.1)

  • Dean’s Office updates the folders permissions to the following: 
    1. Turn OFF/Stop Sharing access for:
      • Department P&T Committee MEMBERS
      • Department P&T Committee CHAIR

  • Department CHAIR reviews documents, then signs and uploads statement. (3.1)

  • Department CHAIR signs and uploads Recommendation Form (1.1)

  • Dean’s Office updates the folders permissions to the following: 
    1. Turn OFF/Stop Sharing access for:
      • Department CHAIR

    2. Turn ON "Can View" access for:
      • College P&T Committee MEMBERS

    3. Turn ON "Can Edit" access for:
      • College P&T Committee CHAIR
      • Dean of  College

  • Once access has been granted, the college committee chair, committee members, and Dean of the College will receive an email notification with a link to the applicant’s specific folder.

  • College P&T Committee MEMBERS review and vote.

  • College P&T Committee CHAIR signs and uploads statement. (2.2)

  • College P&T Committee CHAIR signs and uploads Recommendation Form. (1.1)

  • Dean’s Office updates the folders permissions to the following: 
    1. Turn OFF/Stop Sharing access for:
      • College P&T Committee MEMBERS
      • College P&T Committee CHAIR

  • DEAN OF COLLEGE reviews documents within applicant’s folder, then signs and uploads statement. (2.1)

  • DEAN OF COLLEGE signs and uploads Recommendation Form. (1.1)

  • Dean’s Office notifies the Provost’s Office that all documents have been uploaded and are now ready to receive access to Provost’s P&T OneDrive folder.

  • Provost’s Office gives Dean’s Office access to Provost’s P&T OneDrive folder.

DEAN'S OFFICE | By December 1
  • Dean’s Office COPIES folders to Provost’s P&T OneDrive folder by following these steps:

    • Navigate to the original YEAR folder that you created at the beginning of this process. This folder will have all of the department and subsequent applicant folders who are seeking promotion and/or tenure. 
    • Select the folder, then either "right click" or click on the three dots '...' and select "COPY TO"

      Copy To

    • Navigate to the following folders:  "Documents" >  "YEAR" (ex. 2024) > "Provost" > then to your College/School folder > then select "Copy Here"

  • When this is complete, contact the Provost Office at provost@memphis.edu to verify that the information has been copied to the appropriate folder.