Join forces with our donors to ensure the success of the Hooks Renovation!

Did you know that generous contributors are funding the transformation of a floor in Wilder Tower? We're seeking your support to raise an additional $50,000, covering furnishings, technology, and equipment to complete this endeavor.

As the Hooks Institute continues to expand its programs within Wilder Tower, we're preparing to move to our new home on the University of Memphis campus—an expansive suite of offices on the 11th floor, increasing from 2,200 to 4,544 square feet. This move, honoring the legacy of Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks, will facilitate enhanced programming, including documentary and video production. Our new location amplifies the Institute's visibility on campus and in the community while providing more space for student engagement.

Generous families, individuals, and a corporation have already contributed over $380,000, covering architectural and estimated construction costs. Now, we're raising the final $50,000 to make this state-of-the-art facility a reality.

Be a crucial part of this milestone project by contributing—your gift will be the key to unlocking the doors of our new home. Donors making gifts of $100 or more will have their names permanently displayed on our donor wall. Additionally, naming opportunities are available for larger contributions.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact the Hooks Institute at bhi@memphis.edu or (901) 678-2769.

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