Fall 2024 Seminars and Presentations

Unless otherwise noted all seminars are at 11 am on Friday, in the seminar room of CERI Long Building (3892 Central Ave).







September 20


Steve Horton CERI

What is the appropriate shaking limit due to blasting near Nashville, TN.

September 27


   Eric Sandvol    University of Missouri

High-Resolution Imaging of Active Faults in the Aftershock Zone of the 2023 Kahramanmaras earthquake sequence

October 11

  Julien Chaput University of Texas, El Paso

     Cutting edge approaches for passive imaging at volcanoes: Icequakes, coda, radiative transfer, and everything in between

October 18

  Daniel Larsen Department of Earth Sciences, U of M


November 8


Allison Shumway      USGS, Golden     TBA

November 15


Michael Steckler

  Lamont Observatory/Columbia University


November 22


Ahmed Elbanna University of Illinois / Urbana-Champain      TBA