Team: TAG Team

Semester: Spring 2024 


App description: Tool-assisted Grading (TAG) web app to assist the teaching team for this Capstone course in grading, reviewing code, and monitoring client and student team survey feedback.

Github: https://github.com/NaitikKaythwal/TAG_new

Student team

Naitik Kaythwal

Email: nkythwal@memphis.edu

Purav V Patel

Email: pvpatel1@memphis.edu

Hitham W S Rizeq

Email: hrizeq@memphis.edu


Amy Cook

Email: ascook@memphis.edu

Brandon Booth

Email: bmbooth@memphis.edu


Brandon Booth

Email: bmbooth@memphis.edu

Teaching Assistant Advisor

Murshida Rahman Mouree

Email: mmouree@memphis.edu


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