Student Responsibilities

In order to obtain appropriate disability related accommodations and services to which they are entitled, students with disabilities should voluntarily and confidentially provide Disability Resources for Students with appropriate medical documentation regarding the nature and extent of their disability, make their needs known to this Office and follow established procedures for acquiring needed services and accommodations.

Disability Services:

Disability Resources for Students coordinates, arranges and provides a variety of support services designed to provide equal opportunity and access to students with disabilities. Specific accommodations and services are determined on an individual basis and are related specifically to one's disability related needs. Services include:

  1. orientation to disability services

  2. early planning and registration

  3. needs assessment and accommodation plans for each semester

  4. coordination of accessible campus housing

  5. accessible parking

  6. interpreter,  captioning, and notetaker accommodations

  7. alternate format text accommodations

  8. test accommodations/proctoring service

  9. loan of special equipment, including digital recorders, CD players, portable CCTV, and  assistive listening devices

  10. Assistive Technology Lab containing reading machines, computers, screen readers, voice synthesizers, screen enlargement, scanner, Braille printer and a variety of adaptive software aids

  11. memos to faculty and other assistance with academic accommodations

  12. college survival skills training

  13. liaison with rehabilitation agencies

  14. disability related information, guidance, counseling advocacy and referral

To register for disability services or to obtain more information, students should contact Disability Resources for Students, 110 Wilder Tower or call 678.2880 (voice or TDD).