Accessible Parking
Accessible parking areas are located throughout the campus and are identified on the Parking Map available at the time students receive their campus parking permit. All students, faculty and staff are required to have current campus parking hangtags displayed on their rearview mirror in order to legally park on campus. Student parking fees are included in the student activity fees paid at registration. There is no additional charge to students for accessible parking permits.
The quickest and best method to obtain accessible parking privileges on campus is to take your State disabled parking placard or license plate number along with a copy of the registration form issued with the placard or license plate to the Parking and Transportation Office in the Parking Garage on Zach Curlin Drive. A campus accessible permit will be automatically issued.
If you have a permanent disability but do not yet have a State placard or license plate, you may print off the form at this link: If you have not received your State permit by the beginning of the semester, Parking Services can provide temporary accessible parking for you, given the appropriate medical documentation, until you receive your State placard or license.
Persons with temporary physical access needs or conditions of a fluctuating nature may request a two-week, temporary, accessible parking permit from Parking and Transportation Services. If the temporary condition will last longer than two weeks, the person should apply for a temporary placard from the State:
The following is a link to various maps of the UofM campus, including a map of accessible parking and accessible building entrances: