Accessible Campus Shuttle

Disability Resources for Students will transport students with mobility limitations who have no other means of safe access across the railroad tracks near Southern Avenue. Transportation across the tracks will be provided on a regular basis for those students who have classes that necessitate their crossing the tracks on a set schedule. Students should make arrangements for this service with their coordinator before classes begin during the Semester Plan meeting each semester. For students who need to cross the tracks to use the recreational facilities, for appointments or other needs on an irregular basis, DRS will provide transportation when the request is made at least 24 hours prior to the requested transportation time. Transportation to classes necessitating shuttle service across the railroad tracks will receive priority over transportation needs not involving classes. While DRS attempts to transport students at a time as close to the requested time as possible, transportation is not guaranteed at any specific time. All transportation is dependent on an operable vehicle and the availability of a trained driver. Transportation across the tracks will be provided only to students who are registered with DRS and have provided current and complete appropriate documentation of their disability and their disability-related needs. Transportation around campus and from Family Housing on South Campus is not provided.