Access for Visually Impaired

DRS can assist in providing basic orientation to the campus, however, there is no trained orientation and mobility specialist on staff. It is recommended that students who are blind request training from a professional O & M instructor. This is usually arranged and paid for by the student's vocational rehabilitation counselor. Students who are not clients of a vocational rehabilitation agency may call the Alliance for the Blind at 901.766.0600 or Clovernook Center for the Blind at 901.523.9590 for assistance.

From time to time, primary pedestrian travel routes are fenced off and rerouted due to construction. Students who wish to be notified of such alterations should provide their e-mail address to DRS so that notification can be made as soon as the information is received from Physical Plant and Planning. This information will also be posted to the DRS website under DRS Current News and Announcements.

Students who are blind are eligible to use the DRS campus shuttle service across the railroad tracks on Southern Avenue and MATA-Plus, the accessible public transportation service.