Photo Gallery
Md Sadiqur Rahman was defending his Masters thesis in April 2024.
Syeda Afra Saiara was defending her Masters thesis in November 2024.
Dr. Hasan Ali organized a workshop on cyber resilient electric vehicle charging station in August 2023.
Manoj Basnet was defending his Ph.D. dissertation in November 2022.
The EPES Lab members enjoyed a lunch at Bombay House in December 2021.
Dr. Hasan Ali was presenting a poster at the IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) conference held in Washington DC in 2020.
Dr. Hasan Ali received the Herff Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award in April 2019.
Sultana's MS thesis defense-October 31, 2018
Mario's MS thesis defense-October 30, 2018
Sagnika's Ph.D. defense-June 28, 2018
Tarika's MS Project defense-April 21, 2017
Tarika's farewell party -April 26, 2017
Ahmed's Ph.D. defense-November 03, 2016
Sadi's Ph.D. defense-July 12, 2016
Gilman's Ph.D. defense-June 21, 2016
Kamal's Ph.D. defense-March 29, 2016
Maruf's Ph.D. defense-February 23, 2016
EPES Lab Members are presenting papers at the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) conference, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA, September 14-18, 2014
EPES Lab Member is presenting paper at the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) conference, Washington DC, USA, February 19-22, 2014
EPES Lab Members during poster presentation at the Smart Grid Workshop held at Fedex Institute of UofM, October 17, 2013
Dr. Ali is lecturing as an invited speaker at the Smart Grid Workshop held at Fedex Institute of UofM, October 17, 2013
EPES Lab Members are presenting papers at the IEEE SoutheastCon held at Jacksonville, Florida, USA, April 4-7, 2013
EPES Lab Members are presenting papers at the IEEE PES ISGT Conference, held at Washington DC, USA, February 24-27, 2013
EPES Lab Members are at the entrance of Grand Pacific Chinese Restaurant on September 05, 2012
EPES Lab Members are enjoying lunch at the Grand Pacific Chinese Restaurant on September 05, 2012