Previous Events

Below is a list of events in reverse chronological order sponsored by the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology (IEAA).

*William J. Murnane Memorial Lecture
**Legacy of Egypt Lecture

(Note: IEAA is the abbreviation for the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology at the University of Memphis, ARCE is the abbreviation for the American Research Center in Egypt, and EGSA is the Egyptology Graduate Student Association at the University of Memphis).

Speaker Title Date
W. Raymond Johnson, Ph.D.
    Director, Epigraphic Survey in Luxor, Egypt, and Research Associate Professor, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Tutankhamun's Life, Death, and Afterlife: New Evidence from Thebes
    Sponsored by the IEAA.*
November 6, 2020
Kevin Johnson, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor and Chair, History, Global & Political Studies Department, Taylor University
Gathering the Pieces: An Iconographic Analysis and Virtual Reconstruction of a New Kingdom Non-Royal Sarcophagus
    Sponsored by the IEAA.
    Fourth Annual IEAA Alumnae/Alumni Lecture
October 23, 2020
Peter J. Brand, Ph.D.
    Professor of History, University of Memphis
The Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project: Using new technologies to record old inscriptions
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Dept. of History of the University of Memphis.
November 13, 2019
Annie Shanley, Ph.D.
    Assistant Registrar, Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University
The God of Confusion? An Examination of Seth in New Kingdom Expressions of Royal Ideology
    Sponsored by the IEAA.
    Third Annual IEAA Alumnae/Alumni Lecture
September 26, 2019
Lawrence M. Berman, Ph.D.
    Norma Jean Calderwood Senior Curator of Ancient Egyptian, Nubian, and Near Eastern Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The Priest, the Prince, and the Pasha: The life and afterlife of an ancient Egyptian sculpture
    Sponsored by the IEAA.**
February 28, 2019
Katja Goebs, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto
Magic, Medicine, Metaphor: Some lesser-known uses of Egyptian Myth
    Sponsored by the EGSA, IEAA, and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.
February 7, 2019
Alain Zivie, Ph.D.
    Director of Research Emeritus, National Center of Scientific Research, Paris, France and Director, French Archaeological Mission of the Bubasteion, Saqqara, Egypt
Aper-El: Vizier, Father of the God, and Much More
    Sponsored by the IEAA, the Dept. of History of the University of Memphis, and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.*
October 25, 2018
Geoffrey Killen, Ph.D. Ancient Egyptian Furniture: From the earliest examples to those "wonderful things" of the New Kingdom
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.
October 10, 2018
Sarah Schellinger, Ph.D.
    Andrew W. Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow, San Antonio Museum of Art and Adjunct Faculty, Trinity University
Divine Donations: Animal Mummies in Ancient Egypt
    Sponsored by the IEAA.
    Second Annual IEAA Alumnae/Alumni Lecture
September 27, 2018
Leslie A. Warden, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor, Roanoke College
Egyptian Beer: Drinking for the Masses
    Sponsored by the EGSA and the Student Events Allocation Committee.
March 27, 2018
Denise Doxey, Ph.D.
    Curator of Ancient Egyptian, Nubian, and Near Eastern Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
All the King's Horses: Cemetery 200 at el-Kurru, Sudan
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.**
March 15, 2018
Joshua A. Roberson, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor of Art History and Egyptian Language, University of Memphis
Worlds in Stone: Cosmic Architecture and Decoration of Royal Tombs in New Kingdom Egypt
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Dept. of History of the University of Memphis.*
November 30, 2017
Jane A. Hill, Ph.D.
    Professor of Anthropology and Co-curator, Museum of Anthropology, Rowan University
Seals, Sherds, and Figurines: Reconstructing Settlement in the Ancient Egyptian Province of Bat
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.
    First Annual IEAA Alumnae/Alumni Lecture
September 28, 2017
Erika Feleg, M.A.
    Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Memphis
Reconstructing Eternity: Recent epigraphic findings in the forecourt of Ramesses II at Luxor temple. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.
April 27, 2017
Gay Robins, Ph.D. 
    Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Art History, Emory University
Memory and Identity at the Elite Tombs of Amarna. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA, the Dept. of History of the University of Memphis, and the EGSA.
February 21, 2017
David P. Silverman, Ph.D. 
    Eckley B. Coxe, Jr. Professor of Egyptology, University of Pennsylvania
The Legacy of Tutankhamun. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA.**
February 2, 2017
Renee Friedman, Ph.D. 
    Director of the Hierakonpolis Expedition, University of Oxford, UK
City of the Falcon: Excavations at Egypt's earliest capital. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA, the Dept. of History of the University of Memphis, and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.*
November 10, 2016
Rita Lucarelli, Ph.D. 
    Assistant Professor of Egyptology, University of California, Berkeley and Assistant Curator of Egyptology, Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
Magic and Demonology in Ancient Egypt
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.
October 27, 2016
James K. Hoffmeier, Ph.D. 
    Professor of Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern History and Archaeology, Trinity International University
Akhenaten and the Origins of Monotheism in Ancient Egypt. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA, the Dept. of History of the University of Memphis, and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.
April 8, 2016
Thomas Schneider, Ph.D.
    Professor of Egyptology and Near Eastern Studies, University of British Columbia
Egyptology in Nazi Germany: Ideology and Careers in a Humanistic Discipline. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Dept. of History of the University of Memphis, with the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.*
November 17, 2015
Suzanne Onstine, Ph.D. 
    Department of History, University of Memphis
A Living Legacy: Theban Tomb 16 and the Reuse of the Tombs of the Nobles at Thebes. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA.**
April 17, 2015
Anna Boozer, Ph.D. 
    Assistant Professor, Baruch College, The City University of New York
Archaeology of Imperial Borderlands: A View from Roman Egypt and Sudan. 
    Sponsored by the EGSA and funded thanks to SEA funds.
October 24, 2014
Richard Jasnow, Ph.D. 
    Professor of Egyptology, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Writing on the Wall (and Cliffs): Recording Ancient Egyptian Graffiti in Western Thebes. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Dept. of History of the University of Memphis.*
October 10, 2014
Helen Strudwick 
    Department of Antiquities, Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge (UK)
A Tale of Two Egyptians: The Coffins of Nespawershefyt and Nakhtefmut. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.
March 5, 2014
Kathlyn (Kara) Cooney, Ph.D. 
    Associate Professor of Egyptian Art and Architecture, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles
Coffin Recycling: Funerary Culture in a Time of Economic Crisis. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.**
February 28, 2014
Ellen Morris, Ph.D. 
    Assistant Professor, Department of Classics and Ancient Studies, Barnard College, Columbia University
Prisoners of War and the Eros of Empire in Egypt's New Kingdom. 
    Sponsored by the EGSA and the Student Event Allocation Committee.
February 7, 2014
Nicholas Reeves, Ph.D. 
    Lila Acheson Wallace Associate Curator of Egyptian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
The Mask of Tutankhamun...or is it? 
      Sponsored by the IEAA and the Dept. of History of the University of Memphis.*
November 15, 2013
Carol Redmount, Ph.D. 
    Associate Professor of Egyptian Archaeology, University of California, Berkeley
Ancient Egypt Meets a Modern Revolution: El Hibeh and Cultural Heritage Destruction. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.**
April 22, 2013
Mark Lehner, Ph.D. 
    Director of Ancient Egypt Research Associates
Who Built the Pyramids? The Discovery and Excavation of the Workmen's Village on the Giza Plateau
    Sponsored by the IEAA, the EGSA and the Student Event Allocation Committee.
February 7, 2013
Edwin Brock 
    Research Associate, Royal Ontario Museum
The Merneptah Sarcophagi Restoration Project. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA, the Dept. of History of the University of Memphis, and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.*
November 15, 2012
Pearce Paul Creasman
    Curator and Assistant Professor in the Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, University of Arizona
Radar for the Lost Barque of Dahshur (Egypt)
    Sponsored by the Dept. of History of the University of Memphis and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.
April 20, 2012
Ronald J. Leprohon, Ph.D. 
    Professor of Egyptology, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto
Performance and Oral Tradition in Ancient Egyptian Autobiographical Texts. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.**
April 12, 2012
Nigel Strudwick, Ph.D. 
    Department of Art, University of Memphis
Capturing Ancient Egyptian Art: Norman and Nina de Garis Davies. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.
March 15, 2012
Lorelei H. Corcoran, Ph.D.
    Director, Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology and Professor of Art History, Department of Art, University of Memphis
Herakleides: A Portrait Mummy from Roman Egypt
    Sponsored by the IEAA.*
November 17, 2011
Marjorie S. Venit, Ph.D.
    Department of Art History and Archaeology, University of Maryland
Death and Taxes: Visualizations of Mortality and Reflections of Social Positioning in Tombs of Graeco-Roman Egypt
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Archaeological Institute of America.
November 3, 2011
Michael Jones
    Associate Director, Egyptian Antiquities Conservation Project, American Research Center in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
Outside the Box: Conservation Projects in Egypt and the Social Life of Heritage
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.**
April 7, 2011
Jerome C. Rose, Ph.D.
    Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas
Akhenaten's People Speak: Tell el-Amarna, Egypt (c. 1325 BCE)
    Sponsored by the IEAA.
November 5, 2010
Barry Kemp, Ph.D.
    Professor Emeritus of Egyptology, Department of Oriental Studies and the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, UK and long-time Director of Amarna Excavations
Towards a Better Understanding of Amarna: Recent research in the city and its main cemetery
    Sponsored by the IEAA and the Tennessee Chapter of ARCE.*
November 4, 2010
Robert Ritner, Ph.D.
    Professor of Egyptology, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Ancient Egyptian Magic: Curses & Love Charms
    Sponsored by the IEAA.**
April 16, 2010
Francesco Tiradritti
    Director of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Luxor and Dorothy Kayser Hohenberg Chair of Excellence, University of Memphis
Excavating the Tomb of Harwa: In Search of the African Roots Of Pharaonic Renaissance
    Sponsored by the IEAA.
April 27, 2009
Patricia Podzorski, Ph.D.
    Curator of Egyptian Art, Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology
Flowers of an Antique Land: Decorated Textiles of the 1st Millennium AD from Egypt
    Sponsored by the IEAA.**
April 15, 2009
James P. Allen, Ph.D. 
    Wilbour Professor of Egyptology and Chair, Department of Egyptology and Western Asian Studies, Brown University
Tutankhamun's Father. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA.*
November 13, 2008
Salima Ikram, Ph.D.
    Director, The Animal Mummy Project, Cairo Museum, Egypt and Assistant Professor, The American University in Cairo
Mummified Menageries: Animal Mummies from Ancient Egypt
    Sponsored by the IEAA.
March 26, 2003
Liz Cummins, Ph.D. Sex in Ancient Egypt. 
    Sponsored by the EGSA and the Student Event Allocation Committee.
Stuart Tyson Smith, Ph.D. 
    University of California Santa Barbara
Secrets of the Stargate. 
    Sponsored by the IEAA, the EGSA, and the Student Activities Fund.
Michael Hasel, Ph.D. 
    Southern Adventist University
Foreign Names at the Battle of Kadesh and Ramesside Scribal Conventions. 
    Sponsored by the EGSA and the Student Events Allocation Committee.