Remembering Honey Scheidt 

Honey Scheidt

The IEAA family of faculty and students mourns the loss this year of two champions for the arts in Memphis, Rudi Scheidt and Honey Scheidt. While the dynamic couple sponsored many cultural programs in the city, it was Honey whose heart was captured by ancient Egypt and who was instrumental in bringing the blockbuster exhibit, "Ramses the Great," to Memphis in 1987. From then onward, Rudi and Honey were staunch supporters of Egyptology, generously funding such projects as transporting the coffin of PadiAtum, now in the university's Art Museum, from Little Rock to Memphis. It was also Honey who maintained an academic interest in ancient Egypt as well as a museological one. We were always honored to see her in attendance at IEAA-sponsored public lectures and events. We will remember our dear friends Rudi and Honey forever and ever (forever and ever).



Photo credit: Honey Scheidt in 2011 at the opening of the IEAA co-sponsored exhibit, "Relics, Replicas & Revivals," at the Tennessee State Museum, Nashville. The exhibit received a Tennessee Association of Museums award in 2012.