Section 4: Tenure-Track & Tenured Faculty Policies


4.8 Faculty Workload


The assigned workload for full-time tenure track faculty consists of a combination of teaching, advising, research /scholarship / creative activity, and institutional and/or public service. Each academic unit will develop, maintain, and disseminate a workload policy which is approved by the provost. The department chair is responsible for determining a faculty member’s responsibilities, in consultation with the faculty member, in a manner which is consistent with the academic unit workload policy. The university requires that each member of the faculty perform a reasonable and equitable amount of work each year.

The normal maximum teaching responsibility of a full-time faculty member engaged only in classroom teaching is 15 credit hours each semester. The specific teaching responsibility of each individual will be based on such things as course level, class size and the number of examinations, papers, and other assignments that require grading and evaluation. In addition, the number of different courses taught, and other appropriate considerations will be used to determine teaching responsibility. All faculty are expected to teach at every level/division in their program’s course offerings for which they are qualified. Classroom teaching responsibility may be reduced by the department chair for other justifiable reasons including student advising, active involvement in research and/or creative activities (with publications or other suitable forms of recognition), direction of graduate theses or dissertations, teaching non-credit courses or workshops, administrative duties, and institutional and/or public service.



< 4.7 Summer Session Appointments 4.9 Faculty Planning & Evaluation >


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