Dissertation Defense Announcement

The Fogelman College of Business and Economics announces the Final Dissertation Defense of

Qing(Kathy) Ma

for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

January 1, 2018 at 1:00 PM in 365, Fogelman College of Business and Economics

Advisor: Charles Pierce

Cultural Influence On Employee Turnover: A Multi-level Meta-analytic Investigation

ABSTRACT: The present study meta-analytically analyzed the role of national culture in moderating relationships between turnover criterion (turnover behavior and turnover rates) and its correlates at the individual and collective level, and tested the relative strength of such relationships and cultural effects between levels. Results based on 175 independent samples (N=93113) from 26 countries indicate that relationship(s) of turnover criterion with: a) job satisfaction and continuance commitment are stronger in individualistic countries, b) affective commitment is stronger in feminine countries, c) normative commitment is stronger in collectivistic countries, d) shared job attitudes is stronger in egalitarian countries, and e) job embeddedness (signals) are stronger in collectivistic countries; and that such relationships and the moderating effects of culture are stronger at the collective level than at the individual level. By doing so, the study contributes to turnover literature and offers valuable implications for scholars and practitioners alike. The paper provides the first comprehensive quantitative review of the moderating effects of culture on established antecedent-turnover relationships. Additional research is urged to further examine the effects of national culture on turnover theory and assumptions.