Thesis Defense Announcement
College of Arts and Sciences announces the Final Thesis Defense of
Hannah Pallotta
for the Degree of Master of Arts
March 22, 2019 at 1:00 PM in Clement Hall, Room 203
Advisor: Junmin Wang
The Global Citizen, Global Trust, & National Privilege: A Study of Individualized Identity in a Globalized World
ABSTRACT: This proposed study seeks to examine how the ongoing globalization process has shaped people's citizenship identities and their values toward the distribution of political and economic benefits at the national level. The following research questions are asked: Are people actually becoming more globalized? Are individuals more trusting of people from other countries than they used to be? And are these global outlooks changing across whole populations or are certain groups of people more global than others? This study looks at demographic identifiers to determine if these individualized factors play a role in certain people being more globalized than others. Data will be analyzed from two waves of the World Values Survey (wave 5 collected during 2004-2009, and wave 6 during 2010-2014), with an empirical focus on individuals from nine high-income countries from each wave. Binary logistic regression, Chi-square analysis, and ordinal logistic regression were used in this study. The data suggest that individualized factors help produce variation in people's citizenship identities and global trust. The results of the analysis show that social class and education level are statistically significant in predicting if individuals have more globalized views.