Dissertation Defense Announcement
The College of Communication and Fine Arts announces the final dissertation defense of
Caroline Sawyer
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
June 28, 2016 at 10:00 am in 309, Art and Communication Building Building
Major Advisor: Craig O. Stewart, PhD
Ditka wears Prada: Inclusion, competition and resistance through fantasy football
ABSTRACT: During the 2013 fall football season, I interviewed 28 women who play fantasy football. Data collection took place in the form of online semi-structured. After conducting grounded theory method, with a critical discourse studies framework, of the interviewee data, I found three common themes: exclusion/inclusion in American football, competition is empowering and fantasy football is a safe place for competition, and participating in fantasy football is a form of resistance. Ultimately, I found that these women are resisting the hegemonic masculinity of American football on multiple levels, all while simultaneously reinforcing hegemonic masculinity within American culture.