Dissertation Defense Announcement

The College of Communication and Fine Arts announces the Final Dissertation Defense of

Hannah Monk

for the Degree of Doctoral of Music Arts

April 30, 2018 at 5:00 PM in Music Building, Room 113

Advisor: Marcin Arendt

Chamber Music for the Pre-Collegiate Student: Violin Quartets and Trios

ABSTRACT:In both private string studios and school orchestra programs, pre-collegiate students need more opportunities to study chamber music. One of the barriers string teachers face when establishing a chamber music program for children is instrumentation as there are often more students who play the violin than the viola and cello. While the string quartet dominates the strings chamber music genre, there is a large body of underperformed repertoire written for violin quartets and trios that provide a variety of pedagogical benefits to students and teachers alike. This project establishes the pedagogical value of some of these pieces and places each piece within several of the major strings grading systems. Each pieces is graded based on the American String Teachers Association Grading Scale, Suzuki Volume Level, and Royal Conservatory Certification Grade Level. This is to provide a recognizable scale system for public school directors and private teachers alike. The project also contains a brief description of each system as well as charts comparing these grading systems to one another for reference.