Dissertation Defense Announcement

The College of Education announces the final Dissertation of

Charlise Anderson

for the degree of Doctor of Education

September 30, 2016 at 1:30 pm in 115, Browning Hall

Major Advisor: Jeffery L. Wilson, EdD

Undergraduate Teacher Candidate Perceptions Integrating Technology in Classroom Instruction

ABSTRACT: This research study analyzed 143 undergraduate teacher candidates’ perceptions on integrating technology in the classroom. The study was embedded in the “Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge” theoretical model. The study revealed that the grade level taught was not a statistically significant predictor of teacher candidates’ perceived competence, ability to plan for or apply technology, nor teacher candidates’ ability to integrate technology in compliance with state and/or district standards. The study also revealed that teacher candidates’ belief factors were a statistically significant predictor of teacher candidates’ ability to plan for and to apply technology in the learning environment.