Dissertation Defense Announcement

The College of Education announces the Final Dissertation of

Emily Brown

for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

April 20, 2018 at 1:00 PM in Room 207, Ball Hall

Advisor: Sara Bridges

Predictors of Body Dissatisfaction in Trans Men and Women

ABSTRACT:Body dissatisfaction has been found to affect individuals regardless of gender or sexual identity. However, research on body dissatisfaction among transgender men and women is lacking despite findings that these individuals experience body dissatisfaction to a greater extent than cisgender men and women. This study explored whether factors associated with Objectification Theory, one's experience of gender related violence, whether one has undergone medical transition, and the extent to one identifies with stereotypical feminine or masculine norms predicted body dissatisfaction in a sample of 234 transgender men and women. Results suggest that factors related to Objectification Theory, particularly internalization of the thin ideal, internalization of the muscular ideal, and perceived media pressure predict body dissatisfaction in transgender men and women. Moreover, among transgender women, having experienced gender related violence predicted greater body dissatisfaction, whereas having undergone some form of medical transition predicted lower levels of body dissatisfaction. Implications of the findings are discussed.