Dissertation Defense Announcement
College of Education announces the Final Dissertation Defense of
Jessica Herring
for the Degree of Doctor of Education
February 17, 2022 at 01:00 PM on Zoom Meeting
Advisor: Dr. Amanda J. Rockinson-Szapkiw
Preservice and First-year Teachers' Intention to Use and Actual Use of Technology-enabled Learning: A Case Study
ABSTRACT: "The purpose of this qualitative, embedded single case study was to provide a rich description and explore the unique development and evolution of preservice teachers’ intention to use and actual use of technology-enabled learning (TEL) during student teaching and first-year teaching. The study followed four middle level education majors at a mid-size public teaching university in the southeastern United States over the course of the 2021 calendar year, during their student teaching experience (Spring 2021) and into their first semester as novice teachers (Fall 2021). Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) guided this qualitative inquiry. Interviews, observations, and analysis of teaching artifacts (e.g., lesson plans, lesson reflections, and TEL artifacts) were conducted to triangulate the data. In addition to applying theory-based qualitative codes to the data, open coding was conducted to identify emerging themes across the body of evidence. Findings extended previous TPB research regarding preservice teachers’ intention to use TEL and yielded practical implications for teacher educators seeking to increase TEL intention and use in preservice and novice teacher populations."