Dissertation Defense Announcement
The College of Education announces the Final Dissertation of
Madeline Capstick
for the Degree of Doctor of Education
February 20, 2018 at 10:00 AM in Room 103, Ball Hall
Advisor: Steven West
Exploring the Effectiveness of Academic Coaching for Academically At-Risk College Students
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Academic Coaching for Excellence (ACE) program for academically at-risk students over the course of five academic semesters from Spring 2015 to Spring 2017. The study utilized archival data from 1,400 undergraduate students using a cohort-based, nonequivalent groups post-tests design. The students were on "academic warning", meaning they had fallen below a 2.00 GPA in the previous academic semester and were within their first 59 credit hours of college. Results from the study found that full- and part-time students who participated in academic coaching had significant GPA increases, were more likely to earn at least a 2.00 GPA in the intervention semester, completed 76-100% of course credit hours, and were more likely to be retained at the university the following semester if they had attended five or more coaching sessions. Significant findings draw attention to Federal Pell Grant recipients and full-time traditional age (under 25 years old) student's academic success and persistence, as these students were found to have lower GPAs and complete fewer course credits compared to their non-Pell Grant and non-traditional full-time student (25 years or over) counterparts. The number of sessions that students attended was also significant for students' academic performance and persistence in course completion. Implications are discussed for higher education staff and administration working with academically vulnerable populations and for the counseling community. Considerations for future research and limitations are also provided.