Dissertation Defense Announcement
The College of Education announces the final dissertation defense of
Tamala Boyd Shaw
for the degree of Doctor of Education
April 4, 2016 at 2:00 pm in 320 Ball Hall
Major Advisor: Beverly Cross, PhD
How Does Participating in a Teacher Leadership Program Impact Secondary Teachers’ Retention, Instructional Capacity, and Influence on Other Teachers
As teacher turnover, teacher effectiveness, and the quality of the education profession
as a whole become trending topics of education reform, research on how to effectively
address those issues is increasingly needed. One such response to these issues of
attrition, educational quality, and effectiveness is the increasing presence and impact
of teacher leadership programs. Teacher leadership programs are evolving as a change
agent in the educational context with implications for impacting participating as
well as other teachers. The purpose of this study was to investigate and describe
the ways in which teacher leadership programs impact secondary teachers’ retention,
instructional capacity, and influence on other teachers. By conducting this research,
it was the intention of the researcher to add to the body of research that informs
the education profession about the direct impact teacher leadership programs have
on teachers and thus inform the need for and implementation of such programs.