Thesis Defense Announcement

The Herff College of Engineering announces the Final Thesis of

Efrem Emhatsion

for the Degree of Master of Science

on April 28, 2018 at 3:00 PM in Engineering Science Building, Room 111

Advisor: David Arellano

Dynamic Properties of Local Memphis Loess

ABSTRACT:This study was motivated by the fact that current practice of performing seismic site response analysis in the Memphis area uses models that are based on test results of other soils.Memphis is located in the New Madrid seismic zone and is covered predominantly by loess soil.Loess has unique behavior from other soils. The purpose of the research is to determine the dynamic properties of Memphis area loess. In order to investigate the dynamic property, remolded specimens with varying saturation level and density we prepared and tested using resonant column and torsional shear device. Each specimen was tested at increasing confining stress and strain amplitudes. Shear modulus degradation and material damping curves were developed to evaluate the parameters that affect the dynamic property of loess. The influence of void ratio, confining pressure, coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest, and saturation on shear modulus and damping ratio were evaluated. The test results were also compared with current models. Seismic site response analysis was also performed to evaluate the impact of test results.