Graduate Student Spotlight: Sanjaya Regmi
Hello! My name is Sanjaya Regmi, and I'm from Nepal. Working in remote areas and witnessing
major public health issues fueled my passion to pursue a career in public health research
and create solutions to complex health issues. After finishing school in India, I
came to the University of Memphis as a graduate research assistant and Ph.D. student
in the School of Public Health's Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Not only have I learned from world-renowned research faculty in my department, but
I've also been in four publications and attended four scientific conferences to present my seven research posters.
I want to thank Dr. Satish Kedia and Dr. Kenneth D. Ward, for all they've done to help and mentor me during my PhD. journey.
Having the opportunity to work with different organizations like the Public Health
Student Association (PHSA), Graduate Student Association (GSA), and Interdisciplinary
Criminal Justice Coalition (ICJC) made my professional life rewarding. UofM organizations
like the Visitors and International Student Association (VISA) and Nepalese Student
Association at UofM (NASUM) made my stay comfortable while in Memphis.
Completing my doctoral degree at UofM affords me the opportunity to pursue a career as a behavioral scientist and use my research skills to make a difference in public health.