Annual & Sick Leave

The University of Memphis offers a generous leave program to all regular employees. Employees hired on a temporary appointment are not eligible for the leave programs.

Annual Leave

  • Full-time non-exempt employees:
    Regular full-time clerical and support personnel shall accrue annual leave in accordance with the number of years of service.
    • 0 to Less Than 5 Years of Service: Accrual Rate of 7.5 hours per month
    • 5 to Less Than 10 Years of Service: Accrual Rate of 11.3 hours per month
    • 10 to Less Than 20 Years of Service: Accrual Rate of 13.2 hours per month
    • 20+ Years of Service: Accrual Rate of 15.0 hours per month
  • Full-time exempt employees:
    Executive, administrative, professional, and twelve-month academic personnel, who are regular full-time employees, shall accrue annual leave at the rate of 15 hours (2 days) per month.
  • Part-time employees:
    All regular part-time personnel, employed on a twelve-month service basis and regular part-time personnel on MODFY appointments shall accrue leave on a prorated basis based on the percentage of full-time equivalency of the employee's position.
  • Faculty and temporary employees:
    Nine, ten, and eleven-month academic personnel, full or part-time, whether or not compensated over a twelve-month period, shall not be eligible to accrue annual leave. Temporary employees shall not be eligible to accrue annual leave or sick leave.
  • Annual Leave In Excess of Maximum at Fiscal Year-End
    Annual leave accrued in excess of the maximum not used by the end of the fiscal year, will be transferred to the employee's accumulated sick leave at the close of the fiscal year, unless the employee is on terminal leave, in which case the full amount of accrued annual leave shall not be carried forward. Call Human Resources at 901.678.3573 or see this policy.

    Regular Full Time Clerical & Support Employees Years of Service Accrual Rate per Month Maximum Annual Accumulation Maximum Total Accumulation within Fiscal Year Maximum Accumulation Carried Forward to Next Fiscal Year
    0 to Less Than 5 7.5 hours 90.0 hours 315.0 hours 225.0 hours
    5 to Less Than 10 11.3 hours 135.6 hours 405.6 hours 270.0 hours
    10 to Less Than 20 13.2 hours 158.4 hours 450.9 hours 292.5 hours
    20 or more 15.0 hours 180.0 hours 495.0 hours 315.0 hours

    Executive, administrative, professional, and twelve-month academic personnel, who are regular full-time employees and who are exempt from the overtime and record keeping provision of the Federal Wage and Hour Law, shall accrue annual leave at the rate of 15 hours (2 days) per month with a maximum accumulation of 315 hours (42 days) to be carried forward to the next fiscal year.


Sick Leave

Regular full-time employees employed on a twelve-month or nine-month basis accrue sick leave at the rate of 7.5 hours per month of actual service.

Regular part-time employees, whether employed on a twelve-month or nine-month basis, accrue sick leave on a prorated basis based on the percentage of full-time equivalency of the employee's position.