Jeffrey Byford
About Dr. Byford
Jeffrey M. Byford, Ph.D., is a Professor of Social Studies Education at the University of Memphis. In addition, Dr. Byford serves as the Secondary Education Program Coordinator. He earned his BS, M.Ed. and Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Byford's research interest includes differentiated instructional strategies used in social studies instruction and curriculum design, Cold War education research and design for high school students, the examination of 1960s/70s New Social Studies Projects, and social studies curriculum in Europe. In terms of scholarship, Dr. Byford has over thirty articles and over fifty national and international conference presentations related toward social studies education. In fall 2010, he was awarded a Fulbright Specialist Award to teach classes at Chiba University, Japan. He is the author of the book: Behind the Iron Curtain: A Teacher's Guide to East Germany and Cold War Activities (spring, 2012).
Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction (Social Studies) - University of Oklahoma - 2002