Honors College Announces Spring Study Tour to Italy


UNHP 3265 Honors in Italy: Sustainability & the City

Program Description: Explore the Tuscan region of Italy and the cities that make it famous! This program will ask students to evaluate the evolution of these cities that are at once timeless as the early cathedrals and modern with technological advances and urban sprawl. Journey to Pisa, Siena, Florence, and Volterra – just to name a few – as you discover, analyze, and synthesize underlying elements and systems through which cities develop over time. Students will study each city's urban conditions including their individual cultural experiences and compare their similarities and differences. Through directed writing students will document their engagement in a process of exploration, analysis, and synthesis for each city. This process will be multi-faceted, including photography, diagramming, and artistic representations.

Travel Component: The class will engage in a required study tour to Italy. Travel dates are May 16-May 29, 2019.
Program Location: Within easy reach of Pisa International Airport (which is 65 km from Volterra) and less than one hour from Florence and Siena, the SIAF campus is located just outside the beautiful Etruscan city of Volterra. A town of great historic importance, Volterra offers its visitors the benefits of a vibrant and cultural experience, whilst the campus enjoys the tranquility of its unrivalled setting amongst the breathtaking landscape of Tuscany.

Faculty Leaders: This program will be led by Dr. Michael Chisamore (mkchsmre@memphis.edu) and Dr. Jenna Thompson (jlthmps5@memphis.edu) of the Honors College and Department of Architecture.

Program Fees: The program fee is estimated at $3,000 and includes the application fee, accommodations, breakfast daily, excursions, and in-country travel. The program fee does not include round-trip airfare, meals other than breakfast, personal expenses and incidentals, and international health insurance.

Scholarship Application: Honors students should apply for study abroad scholarships through the Study Abroad Office. Deadline to apply for scholarships is November 1. Student should apply for the Spring Break Scholarship. Click >>HERE<<  for more information about applying for a scholarship.

Important Deadlines: The deadline to apply for this study abroad program is November 1. The deadline to apply for scholarships is also November 1.

Click >>HERE<< for additional details about the program.