Strategic Plan 2003-2006

Mission Statement

The University Libraries provides leadership in the access to and management of information services and resources to support teaching, learning, and research for the University of Memphis community.

Statement of Values

Providing the varied services and programs of the University Libraries requires the involvement of many people. While each individual utilizes his or her own particular expertise and background and adopts his or her unique way to proceed with each task, the overall effort is guided by a common set of values that binds the whole together with common purpose. As they go about meeting the Libraries' objectives by accomplishing their designated tasks, University Libraries' faculty and staff are committed to the following values:


The University Libraries seeks excellence in fostering and supporting teaching, learning, and research by providing resources to access knowledge, information, and ideas. Assistance and instruction in accessing these resources is provided in an open, receptive, and courteous manner, with a commitment to freedom of information and equity of access to the resources.


The University Libraries strives to deliver effective user services and programs, within its financial constraints, using the highest feasible standards of management and organization. We are committed to the development of a knowledgeable, versatile, and skilled faculty and staff.


The University Libraries affirms the principles of academic freedom and conducts all services and operations with honesty, openness, and accountability.


The University Libraries values the differences, which are present in our users, our collections, and our faculty and staff. We endeavor to provide a climate of acceptance and respect for all points of view and for all individuals, whether members of the university community or the community-at-large, without regard to race, ethnicity, gender, age, lifestyle choice, or physical abilities.


The University Libraries participates with the academic units to provide resources and services to support the academic programs of the University. We join with other academic communities and libraries throughout Tennessee, the Mid-south region, and the nation to enhance library users' access to resources beyond the University Campus.


The University Libraries identifies and anticipates library users' needs and investigates and evaluates new and emerging methods for obtaining appropriate resources and providing relevant services to meet those needs.

Goals 2003 - 2006

To accomplish the overall mission of the University Libraries, resources and energy will be focused on achieving the following goals.

  1. Build and preserve collections that meet the needs of present and future users.
  2. Develop, explore, and implement new information technologies and resources.
  3. Develop and implement strategies that maximize the effectiveness of the integrated library system (ILS).
  4. Develop, promote, and deliver instructional services and resources to meet changing user needs.
  5. Invest in library personnel to enhance their abilities to provide library services and resources.
  6. Collaborate with other units of the University, the urban community, the professional community, the region, or the nation to improve access to information resources.
  7. Develop and implement marketing and development plans that will enhance the visibility and image and increase the resource base of the University Libraries.


  1. Build and preserve collections that meet the needs of present and future library users.

    1. Develop collections that support the teaching, study, and research that occur at the University.
      1. Library liaisons continue to work with faculty from the academic departments to identify library resources appropriate for addition to our collections.
      2. Library faculty members employ a process of continuous evaluation to determine a workable mix of resources in different formats.
      3. Progress is finally being made on beginning the archiving of the Ben Hooks Collection. The majority of the materials were transferred to Special Collections in August of this year. An archivist has finally been hired to begin the detailed processing of the collection.
    2. Seek additional funding for building and supporting library collections that meet the needs of the university community.
      1. Encourage the University Administration to increase base funding to support the ongoing collections, programs and services of the University Libraries.
      2. Search for grant opportunities that would fit the needs and capitalize on the expertise available in the University Libraries.
      3. Strengthen the relationship between the University Libraries and the Advancement Division to actively integrate the University Libraries into the planning for advancement.
    3. Develop a plan for an environmentally viable and secure storage facility to accommodate lesser-used materials to support our roles as a research library and the Regional Depository for Federal Documents for the State of Tennessee.
      1. Work with staff from the physical plant to get the Brister storage space cleaned up so that it is again useable.
      2. In this year, we plan to identify and hire a preservation consultant who can work with us to develop a plan for bringing our storage space into line with reasonable standards.
    4. Develop and implement, in collaboration with the teaching and research faculty, comprehensive collection development policies that will provide guidance for the ongoing growth and development of all of the Libraries' collections.
      1. Library liaisons worked with departmental faculty to draft collection development plans that reflect to scope, depth, and subject coverage of the Libraries' collections intended to support the study and research of the department.
      2. The drafted collection development plans will be made available on the Libraries' web site and will be kept up to date through ongoing review and modification.
    5. Work with staff in appropriate offices on campus (physical plant, space planning, academic affairs, finance, etc.) to integrate the libraries' space needs into campus planning.
      1. Efforts are still underway to determine how to interject library space needs into University planning. While several memos related to library space needs have been written, no responses have been forthcoming so far.
    6. Evaluate electronic resources for purchase and retention in keeping with appropriate Collection Development Policies, with special attention to archiving, accessing, and purchasing collaboratively.
      1. After many months of trying we finally obtained a license agreement for the Elsevier Science Direct Database. This was a collaborative purchase that includes other TBR libraries. This database significantly increases the number of science and technology titles to which our users have online access
      2. The position of Electronic Resources Librarian was filled in early 2004. This faculty member provides leadership in the identification, selection, and management of electronic resources.
      3. We are now offering online trials to new databases to give our users the opportunity to use new databases and give us feedback.
      4. The Electronic Resources Committee, a University Libraries' standing committee, assists the Electronic Resources Librarian with identifying and evaluating electronic resources for purchase recommendations
    7. Collaborate with others to acquire and utilize newer technologies for the preservation and reproduction of graphic and written archival materials, with emphasis on digital preservation of materials.
      1. University Libraries' personnel have been sent to training programs to learn the latest and most appropriate digitization techniques.
      2. Several small digitization projects are currently underway in Special Collections. These projects are enabling University Libraries personnel to become familiar with the process and be prepared to undertake larger projects.
      3. University Libraries' digitized collections are being included in the statewide Volunteer Voices project that will focus on digitized collections that focus on the life and culture of Tennessee.
    8. Identify and implement appropriate collection assessment tools and techniques.
      1. The Collection Development Librarian is providing leadership for the consideration of Collection Assessment techniques that might meet our needs.
      2. Library Liaisons, library faculty assigned to work with academic departments, will work with departmental faculty to assess the collection.
  2. Develop, explore, and implement new information technologies and resources that contribute to the success of the Libraries.

    1. Collaborate with the University's Information Systems (IS) Division to upgrade and enhance computer technology to support the needs of library personnel and users.
      1. The University Libraries participates in the annual roll out for TAF computers to replace many of our public computers. This enhances our ability to provide consistent and reliable service to library users.
      2. The online catalog and other electronic resources are available to library users on a 24/7 basis with minimal downtown.
      3. The University Libraries is employing push technology to automatically update some software on public and staff computers. This reduces the amount of staff time needed to undertake these updates.
      4. University Libraries personnel took assumed responsibility for the regular load of patron data into our integrated library system this fall. This has significantly improved the timeliness of the updates and reduced the number of manual entries that must be accomplished by our library staff and in our partner libraries.
      5. ILLiad software was acquired this year as a part of the central pool of TAF supported software. This software is being implemented by the Libraries and will facilitate the ILL Process while also greatly improving the quality and quantity of information available to users of our Interlibrary Loan Service.
      6. The Libraries used TAF funds to purchase 10 laptop computers that are available for check out by students. Laptop checkout has been available since summer 2004 and has been well-received by students.
      7. Electronic overdue notices were implemented over the past year. Library users who have current email addresses loaded into their University records receive two email overdue notices before an report is sent to the bursar's office for billing.
      8. The University Libraries developed and supports a Power User Series, an ongoing in-house training program aimed at developing a common level of computer knowledge and proficiency among library personnel. The training sessions in this series so far include: 1) Computer Desktop Mastery; 2) Disk and Domain Mastery; and 3) Browser, Calendar, and Mail Mastery. Additional training sessions will be developed and offered for library personnel as a part of this series.
      9. The Library Systems Management Team (LSMT) made up of representatives from the University Libraries and ITD continues to meet on a regular basis to identify and develop solutions for technical matters that require collaboration between the Libraries and ITD.
      10. The University Libraries has implemented a program that utilizes DSPs (Departmental Support Personnel) as the first line of technical support to address computer related problems throughout the libraries. Each library department has designated one or more individuals to serve as DSP for that department. Those individuals receive special training to solve routine problems and perform routine maintenance on computers in the department. The DSP makes a referral to the Library Information Systems Department when the problem is beyond the scope of his/her expertise.
    2. Improve and expand Web-based access to information resources for on-campus and remote users.
      1. The University Libraries web site was completely redesigned this year. The new web site greatly enhances access to information by and about the University Libraries.
      2. The University Libraries' web server was replaced this year with a larger more robust machine. The introduction of the new server increased our capacity to meet the needs of library users.
      3. The Libraries implemented Serials Solution, a software package that creates links between our periodicals holdings and the online databases to which we subscribe. This makes it easier for Users to know when we own an electronic resource that they retrieve as a part of a search.
      4. We learned mid-year that students and faculty in the School of Nursing were having difficulty accessing the libraries' online resources. Staff in our LIS Department worked with the school's LSP to correct the set ups that they were using so that they can now easily connect to library resources.
    3. Explore new opportunities for consortial purchases of electronic resources.
      1. The TBR library deans and directors worked together to identify an online database (CINAHL) that we could all benefit from if it were acquired by TBR in support of the TN eCampus (formerly RODP) program.
      2. The TBR Library Deans and Directors spearheaded the formation of a joint committee of library and purchasing agents that is exploring ways to facilitate the process for getting licensing agreements signed
      3. Our memberships in ASERL as well as SOLINET provide us with good discounts on many electronic resources. Unfortunately we are most often in the position of not having the money to take advantage of the purchase offers.
    4. Implement a life cycle replacement plan for the servers and other system-wide backbone components that support library programs and services.
    5. The University Libraries' Library Information Systems Department (LIS) supports a total of 8 servers that support various library systems. As library needs change and the demand on these servers continues to increase, they are subject to the normal wear, tear, and obsolescence that affects all computers. It is important that we routinely upgrade and/or replace these servers in order to continue to provide support for ongoing library services. These servers are not currently included in any regular replacement cycles and because our equipment budget is essentially non-existent there is not mechanism in place to ensure that these servers can be replaced as needed.
    6. Collaborate with ITD, the Provost's Office, and other appropriate units to develop and implement a plan that will support regular replacement and upgrading of the computers and software needed by libraries' staff.
      1. Every staff member in the University Libraries makes extensive use of computer technology in doing their job. While library faculty can be included in the roll out of TAF computers to faculty, there is no mechanism in place to provide funding to routinely upgrade and/or replace the computers used by library staff. This creates a serious problem for the University Libraries.
      2. In addition to the computers used by staff at their individual desks, there are 10 other computers dedicated to staff needs that are not covered by any replacement cycle.
    • Develop and implement strategies that maximize the effectiveness of the Libraries' integrated library system (ILS).

      1. Develop and adopt standards for creating and maintaining high quality data in the integrated library system.
        1. Faculty and staff in the Libraries' Cataloging Department have been exposed to appropriate training to make sure that they are knowledgeable of and able to apply the current cataloging standards.
        3. A meaningful quality control plan has been developed and implemented in cataloging so that the quality of the records being added to the catalog is assured of meeting national standards.
        5. A new position of Authority Control Specialist has been added to the Libraries' faculty. This new faculty member will assume the responsibility for ensuring that we meet national standards in creating and adopting authority records in our online catalog.
      2. Improve the quality of the bibliographic and item records in the online catalog.
        1. Our head of cataloging conceived the concept and successfully implemented a Cataloging Council made up of University Libraries' personnel and personnel from our partner libraries that use the integrated library system to catalog library materials. The council meets periodically to discuss database problems and to plan strategy for addressing them.
        3. Increased emphasis on training for cataloging staff has had a decided effect on improving the quality of our bibliographic and item records.
        5. Three temporary catalogers were hired during summer 2004 to assist with addressing problems with the database that have to be corrected prior to migration to a new library system.
      3. Add records to the libraries' database for collections that are not currently represented in the online catalog.
        1. A major project undertaken during this year was loading into our online catalog the bibliographic records for our holdings in Government Publications from 1989 to present. This project added more than 300,000 item records to our database and has greatly improved user access to our collection of Government publications.
        3. We are now in the process of planning to add the bibliographic records for the collections of electronic books that we have in our collection. This will greatly improve access to these electronic resources for library users.
        5. To address the huge backlog of theses and dissertations that were not included in the catalog, the Cataloging Department developed a special abbreviated record format that will allow these items to be represented in the catalog while also adhering to established standards for record quality. This provides access to an entire collection of resources that could not previously be searched.
      4. Develop and implement a plan for migrating to a new integrated library system.
        1. An RFP Task Force was organized in August and assigned the responsibility for drafting the Request for Proposals (RFP) that will guide our selection of a new online system.

        2. b.
        3. The RFP development process will involve five subcommittee made up of Libraries' personnel and an Advisory Committee made up of representatives of constituent groups that will be affected by our choice of a new system.
        5. Funding for a new library system has been included as a needed item in the capital planning budget for ITD for the past several years. It is now time for this funding to move from the planning stages to reality as we hope to be implementing a new system during fiscal year 06 and 07.
      5. Provide leadership and oversight for the successful execution of contractual agreements among the participants in the Memphis-DRA Partnership.
        1. Two meetings of the library Directors/Deans of our partner libraries were held during this year. These were planning meetings that allowed us to begin thinking about migration to a new system.
        3. Our current DRA- Partner libraries are currently of a similar mind as our library in regards to standards and database integrity. This makes it decidedly easier to make the kinds of changes that needed to be made to address the database integrity issues that plagued us in the past.
        5. Our partner libraries have been invited to send representatives to the various training sessions that we have offered for our staff. This has been a great benefit to them and to the partnership as a whole.

      • Develop, promote, and deliver instructional services and resources to meet changing user needs.


      1. Offer library instruction sessions and resources that meet the needs of library users and enhance the information fluency of students and faculty of the University.
        1. The University Libraries has expanded its instruction program to include opportunities for small group instruction that focuses on enhancing research skills.
        3. The recently created position of Access Services Librarian is charged with addressing the needs of remote users. A new librarian joined our faculty in this position near the beginning of the fall semester. He and other library faculty are available to offer library instruction for classes at remote sites.
        5. The libraries revamped its offering in instruction for faculty to create several short courses that address particular topics in a quick and easy format. Included in the short courses are sessions on copyright, plagiarism, and using Interlibrary Loan.
        7. The University Libraries is the key contact for the University's participation in the ETS program that will measure information literacy of students on our campus. We are partnering with the ALC on this project that will span three years and provide comparative data on how our students score in relation to students at other institutions participating in the project.
      2. Take advantage of available technologies to improve user access to library instruction.
        1. A team of library faculty is working on developing an online tutorial that will allow remote users to learn basic library skills at their own pace on a 24-7 basis. We expect to begin testing this program during the spring 2005 semester.
        3. We are considering the feasibility of using video conferencing capability to take library instruction to classes in remote sites.

      3. Develop and deliver instruction that helps classroom faculty to maximize the integration of library resources into their courses.
        1. A TAF funded project allowed a team of library faculty to develop and offer a six week workshop series that focused on teaching faculty how to integrate electronic library resources into their courses. Plans are underway to replicate that workshop.
        3. Some of the mini-workshops developed and offered for the first time this fall provide instruction in areas that will be helpful for faculty wanting to integrate library resources into their instruction.
      4. Train selective depository personnel across the state in the use of electronic access to government information in fulfillment of our responsibility as the Federal Regional Depository for the state of Tennessee.
        1. As the Regional Depository for the State of Tennessee, we provide leadership in a variety of areas for depository librarians throughout the state.
        3. Faculty from our Government Publications department are called on to provide instruction in the use of electronic resources for other depository librarians.
      5. Offer library tours and focused visits to groups and individuals on the campus and from the community.
        1. The responsibility for library tours was integrated into the Libraries' instruction program during this year. This allows for better coordination and a stronger link with the overall instruction effort.
        3. On campus as well as community groups are welcomed to contact our instruction office to arrange library tours.
        5. The number of instruction sessions offered through our library instruction program has increased each year for the past few years. We would like to significantly increase the number
        6. Our instruction program was expanded this year to include more instruction aimed at faculty. Our intent is to better inform the faculty of what we own so that they in turn can more effectively include library research in their instruction.
      • Invest in library personnel to enhance their abilities to provide excellent customer service along with appropriate library services and resources.


      1. 1.

      2. Update and maintain current position descriptions for all library personnel including faculty, staff, and students.
        1. Current position descriptions have been developed for all library positions. The next phase of the project is to compare descriptions for positions within the same classification to see how similar and/or different they are.
        3. The TBR library deans and directors attempted to undertake a comparative study of the position descriptions and classifications of al hourly personnel. The project was halted because of our inability to reconcile the vast differences from campus to campus.
      3. Implement strategies to make sure that positions within the University Libraries are properly classified and compensated.
        2. This effort will be undertaken with the assistance of the compensation specialist in Human Resources.
        4. A mechanism for monitoring this so that the information remains up to date will be an important part of the culmination of this project.
      4. Implement strategies to remedy organizational weaknesses identified through participation in relevant assessments or surveys.
        1. An Assessment committee has been established and charged with identifying, administering, and analyzing appropriate surveys that evaluate the effectiveness of library services and programs.
        3. A User Services Committee has been established and charged with examining the data reported in the analysis of the various surveys and making recommendations on appropriate changes in our services and programs to respond to the survey results.
      5. Develop, conduct, sponsor, or coordinate training or staff development opportunities for University Libraries' personnel to assure essential competencies for all library personnel in appropriate areas of responsibility.
        1. A Personnel Development Committee has been established and charged with developing and/or identifying opportunities for development of library personnel of all types. Moreover it is charged with drafting a plan for an in house orientation program that would provide a basic core of knowledge for all library staff in a particular.
        3. A graduate assistant position, new to the Libraries this year, is focusing on identifying staff development needs for personnel throughout the University Libraries and working with the Personnel Development Committee to develop strategies for addressing those needs.
        5. A Faculty Professional Development committee is responsible for making recommendations on funding of faculty participation in professional activities and professional development opportunities.
        7. A Staff Professional Development Committee was created last year. It makes recommendations on funding for staff requests to participate in professional activities and professional development opportunities.
        9. Department heads throughout the Libraries are given responsibility to identify training needs for the faculty and staff in their departments and to submit proposals for funding. Both the Cataloging and the LIS departments took advantage of this opportunity this year.
      6. Promote meaningful communication throughout the University Libraries in support of an open, informative, and cooperative environment.
        1. All libraries personnel have email accounts and have received training in how to use them. Email is used extensively to keep everyone informed.
        3. Agendas and minutes of the Libraries' Administrative Council meetings are distributed electronically to all library personnel. They are also posted on the web site so that they are available for reference at any time.
        5. Twice a year a library wide staff meeting provides an opportunity for all library faculty and staff to come together to discuss mutual concerns.
        7. An in house newsletter was created two years ago. This is a resource aimed at keeping library personnel informed of matters relevant to them and their coworkers. Beginning this year, the bi-monthly staff newsletter is distributed electronically to all library personnel.
        9. The Dean of Libraries maintains an open door policy and faculty and staff are encouraged to request a meeting whenever needed.
        11. The Dean of Libraries meets with each department at least once in each calendar year to provide an opportunity for the department to collectively raise issues of concern.
        13. The libraries' web site is an important communication device and a place to find information about the Libraries for library personnel as well as for the public.
      7. Document University Libraries' policies and procedures and make them available to all library personnel in a timely and consistence manner.
        1. Each department is working on codifying the relevant policies and procedures into a manual that governs its work. These draft manuals of departmental procedures will be subject to review by the Libraries' Administrative Council and the Dean of Libraries.
        3. Completed manuals will be posted to the Libraries' web site and will be reviewed and updated regularly.
        5. University Libraries' policies that have been integrated into University policies were reviewed and updated this year.
      8. Ensure that Libraries' faculty and staff have access to the supplies and equipment needed to accomplish their jobs.
        1. Department initiated supply ordering routines have been established that work fairly smoothly and ensure that needed supplies are available in a timely manner.
        3. Routine supply requests are submitted to the administrative office on a weekly basis. They are routinely filled within a day or two. Special order items take a little longer but hey are ordered in a timely manner.
        5. Because of ongoing funding issues providing needed equipment is not always as easy as providing the supplies. This is an area in which more work and more funding are needed.
      • Collaborate with other units of the University, the urban community, the professional community, and the region to improve access to information resources.


      1. Maintain active collaboration with the Faculty Senate's Library Policy Committee and other appropriate university organizations.
        1. The Faculty Senate Library Policies Committee meets on a monthly basis in the Libraries' administrative conference room. This year, various library faculty members have been invited to the meeting to make presentations to the committee to highlight the activities underway in the Libraries.
        3. The Dean of Libraries is routinely invited to the meetings of the Committee and has been able to attend several of the meetings this year.
      2. Participate fully in cooperative library programs and activities such as: the Memphis Area Library Council (MALC); TENN-SHARE; West Tennessee Academic Library Collaborative (WETALC); Tennessee Union List of Serials, Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL); Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET); and OCLC.
        1. The University Libraries has 3 representatives on the governing board of the Memphis Area Library Council (MALC).
        3. Our memberships in local and regional library organizations gives us access to several programs and services that we could not undertake on our own.
        5. While our goal is full participation, we have been unable to fully participate in the programs sponsored by ASERL and SOLINET because we have not had the funds to sign on to many of the cooperative projects that have been initiated by those groups.
      3. Serve as a source for federal government information to city, county, state, and federal agencies and offices.
        1. Our Government Publications Department has been recognized for its outstanding web site that provides valuable information to other depository libraries.
        3. As the Regional Depository for the state of Tennessee, our library is often called on to fill in the gaps when other collections don't have items they need.
      4. Collaborate with appropriate departments across the campus to create and support joint programming that highlights the collections, services, and resources, of the University Libraries.
        1. In the spring we collaborated with the Earthquake Center to mount an exhibit in McWherter Library that highlighted the work of the Center and also identified some relevant library resources.
        3. In September we collaborated with the coordinator of the River City Writers program and featured some of that program's up and coming writers as readers in our banned books week observance.
        5. In summer we collaborated with the English department to mount and exhibit on Graphic novels and also featured Dr. Stephen Tabachnik lecturing on the topic.
        7. In February we collaborated with the Black History month planning committee to mount exhibits in McWherter Library that focused on the Brown vs. the Board of Education case and to also sponsor the public showing of the film Hoxie: the first stand.

      • Develop and implement marketing and development plans that will enhance the
        visibility and image and increase the resource base of the University Libraries.

      • Objectives:

      1. Strengthen the working relationship with the Friends of The University of Memphis Libraries to enhance the continued growth and effectiveness of the collections, services, and programs of the University Libraries.
        1. Worked with the Friends to create a new membership brochure and to create a clearer dues structure.
        3. Involved the Friends in the planning committee for the University's connection with the Southern Festival of Books.
        5. The Friends have committed to donating an amount of fund to the Libraries on a quarterly basis. The amount will be determined based on available funds at the beginning of the quarter and is intended to support the acquisition of Library materials.
        7. The Friends have co-sponsored most of our public programs this yea including the lecture by Dr. Harold Poe (grand nephew of Edgar Allen Poe) and the lecture by Ed Frank on the Civil War Letters. They have played an active role in developing audience for the programs.
        9. Worked with the Friends to help them work with the Office of Alumni Affairs to combat effort to reframe the meaning and purpose of the organization.
      2. Develop strategies that build on the University Libraries' relationship with the Office of Marketing, Advancement, and Government Relations to stimulate positive action from that office on behalf of the University Libraries.
        1. Continue working with staff in the Advancement Division to develop a clearer plan for how the University Libraries will be integrated into the plans and activities of the division.
        3. Continue to make the case for the University Libraries to be a Director of Development who can spend a significant amount of time learning about the Library and learning about library development.
        5. Work with the Advancement Division to fill the recently vacated position of DOD for the University Libraries making every effort to garner a larger percentage of that time of the new individual.
      3. Capitalize on the capability of the Libraries' Newsletter to communicate the message of the University Libraries to a broader audience.
        1. The primary distribution mechanism for the University Libraries newsletter is now electronic. However, we are experiencing difficulty getting the announcement of the newsletter availability distributed to the campus community.
        3. We must continue to strive for developing a plan for effectively distributing the newsletter while containing costs.
      4. Implement mechanisms that enable the University Libraries to respond to user needs in a more timely and systematic manner.
        1. The User Services committee plays an important role in enabling the Libraries to respond in a timely manner.
      5. Expand efforts to attract external funding for the programs and services of the Libraries.
        1. Work with Advancement to hire a replacement for our recently departed DOD.
        3. Work with new Director of Development to identify and draft members for a Development Advisory board for the University Libraries.
        5. Work with new DOD to revise and expand the development plan for the University Libraries.
      6. Seek opportunities to publicize programs and activities of the University Libraries and to highlight the expertise of Libraries' personnel.
        1. The responsibility for gathering and disseminating information on the accomplishments of library faculty and staff has been assigned to the Assistant to the Dean.
        3. Faculty and staff are encouraged to assume leadership roles in professional organizations. Several are currently in association leadership positions.
        5. Faculty in particular are encouraged to pursue scholarly projects and to seek opportunities to publish in the professional literature and/or to present at professional meetings.
      7. Develop and implement a comprehensive plan for public programming that highlights the resources of the University Libraries, attracts users into the library, and creates opportunities to pursue external funding.
        1. A Public Programming Committee was established and charged with creating a plan for public programs to be sponsored by the university Libraries and that would highlight to collections and/or services of the Libraries. This effort is in its infancy and still needs to be more fully developed.<</li>br>
        2. This year's Banned Books Week celebration attracted a list of willing readers that was so long that we added a third reading to our original plan of two readings a day.
        4. Our public programs this year have been well attended. Several attracted standing room only audiences.
        6. This year's EEI 21 Conference drew participants from as far away as Iceland, Norway, and South Africa. We are redesigning our plan for this conference in an effort to attract a larger audience for the 2005 conference.