Domestic Violence Task Force

Phase Two: Process Evaluation

The second fiscal year of the domestic violence task force formation involves a process evaluation to reflect in the accomplishments of the first fiscal year. A process evaluation involves reflecting on past successes and challenges to critically assess procedures for viability and continued improvement. 

This process evaluation has three main key areas of focus:

  1. Perceptions that led to involvement in the task force.
  2. Development of the task force and procedures put in place.
  3. Expectations related to outcomes of the task force charges identified.

We are interested in interviewing task force members to capture their perspectives on these topics. We are interested in speaking to you if you have attended at least one sub-committee meeting. We intend to conduct interviews over the phone or via zoom. It is anticipated that the interviews will last approximately thirty minutes.

If you are interested in being interview, please scan the QR code or type the link in a web browser to provide your contact information and availability.

Survey link: https://memphis.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3mkhkHzby2Z9rng

QR Code:

If you have any questions, please contact Madeline Arriaza at mrplster@memphis.edu