TRiO Mentoring Program
The TRiO Mentoring Program links freshman participants with TRiO student leaders (mentors) with the goal of enabling mentees to develop life and career skills through the guidance of seasoned participants. Mentoring allows the student to learn about student life, career paths, networking, organizational cultures, business functions and industries. Participants receive constructive feedback about career goals, career building, personal skills and business skills.
Are you currently a participant in the TRIOs? If not, and you are a qualified member of the UofM student body, please submit our TRIO TRIOs Application first! Once your application is approved, please come back and fill out the mentor/mentee application below.
Why become a TRiO Mentor?
Mentoring an incoming SSP participant can be a rewarding experience. Interacting with students often prompts students who are well seasoned in undergraduate experience to reflect on their own careers and take stock of their accomplishments. Through the mentoring process, mentors come to realize how much they have learned and how much they have to offer. Most mentors also find the experience reinvigorates their interest both in their own work and in that of current career choices. The program is not merely a source for an informational interview, but rather an opportunity to create and foster relationships for the student's academic career and beyond.
Time Commitment
Primary activities are conducted during the academic year. After being assigned to their mentees, mentors will schedule contacts at least once per month. Unique mentor/mentee activities and programs, including visits to museums, volunteerism, workshops/seminars, etc. are scheduled throughout the year to aid in developing and cultivating the relationships.