Where We're Working In Memphis and Beyond
Former faculty member Dr. Robert Connolly (second from right) with staff from Electrolux, AmeriCorps, and the Westwood Neighborhood Association. |
From Microsoft to Proctor and Gamble and even Words with Friends developer Zynga, companies know that anthropologists add value to an organization.
University of Memphis faculty, alums, and students have worked with formidable industry leaders like St. Jude, Electrolux, and FedEx and the nationally recognized growth strategy and innovation firm, Southern Growth Studio.
Masters Candidates complete a 300 hour practicum, gaining firsthand experience working in applied anthropology. Contact Dr. Ted Maclin, Graduate Program Coordinator, for more information about placement within your organization.
Forward thinking businesses around the global are employing anthropologists in research, development, marketing, human resources, innovation, corporate culture, and elsewhere. The articles below highlight how anthropologists are helping businesses with both client and user insights and a better understand of their own corporate cultures.
Everyday Anthropology: Business Anthropology
Anthropologists Go Native in the Corporate Village- Fast Company
Intel's Cultural Anthropologists- CNN Money
Anthropologists Dig into Money- Mercury News
Olson's Anthropologists Bring Meaning to Marketing- MINNPOST
Business Anthropology Unlocks Opportunities- Memphis Daily News
R&D 2.0: Fewer Engineers, More Anthropologists- Harvard Business Review Blog
EPIC- EPIC is an annual professional conference promoting ethnography and human behavior studies in business settings.
CoPAPIA- CoPAPIA is a committee within the American Anthropological Association dedicated to practicing applied and public anthropologists.
University of Memphis Alumni Amy Santee's website AmySantee.com, as well as her now archived blogsite, Anthropologizing, have a wealth of resources on business anthropology as well as interviews with several of our alums who are currently working in Memphis and across the US.