BARC (Biology Advising & Resource Center)


Dr. Jennifer Benford, Assistant Professor of Teaching and Director of BARC.
For an appointment with Dr. Benford, click here: https://memphis.campus.eab.com/pal/35ProsOdLl

Mr. Charles Plesofsky, Undergraduate Advisor.
For an appointment with Mr. Plesofsky, click here: https://memphis.campus.eab.com/pal/rzUebdxN1T

Life Sciences 201 | 901.678.1312 | bioadvise@memphis.edu

Walk-in hours: 9:30 am - 3:30 pm *except the 6 weeks prior to registration when appointments are required

All Biology Majors must meet with an advisor EACH SEMESTER for assistance with course scheduling, being cleared for registration and career planning. On main campus, students may see either Dr. Benford or Mr. Plesofsky for Advising in the BARC (unless they have an alternate advisor established.)

All students should go to the BARC for general information on Permits, Degree Requirements, and Career Information.

Students are responsible for knowing and fulfilling all of the degree program requirements and for following the procedures and regulations as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog that was in effect the term when they entered college. Each Undergraduate Catalog is valid for seven years.

Plan coursework semester by semester:

  • check prerequisites before attempting to enroll (especially upper division courses)
  • take courses in the proper sequence