Gary Patterson

Geologist, CERI Director of Education and Outreach

(901) 678-5264
(901) 678-4734
3892 Central Avenue, Suite 101, Memphis, TN 38152
Office Hours
Call CERI office for Hours - (901) 678-2007
Gary Patterson, Geologist, CERI Director of Education and Outreach


Current Ph.D. Candidate, Earth Sciences, University of Memphis

1997 M.S., Geological Sciences, University of Memphis

1995 B.S. in Geology, University of Memphis

Other Current Appointments

2014, Director, New Madrid Chapter, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

2006, Executive Director, West TN Seismic Safety Commission

The West Tennessee Seismic Safety Commission (WTSSC)

The West Tennessee Seismic Safety Commission (WTSSC) was created in 2006 through the Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 58, Section 4 and has been tasked to initiate, with the assistance of state, federal, and local government agencies, a comprehensive program to prepare the state for responding to a major earthquake. The WTSSC is a twelve (12) member board appointed as follows: two (2) members chosen by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, two (2) members chosen by the Speaker of the Senate and eight (8) members appointed by the governor to represent the following professional areas: architecture, fire protection, public utilities, engineering, geology or seismology, local government, insurance, business, emergency health services, nonprofit emergency assistance, local education and emergency management.

Abstracts and Publications

DHAR, M. S., (2013) CERI/ University of Memphis, Memphis, TN; CRAMER, C. H., CERI Memphis; VAN ARSDALE, R. B., DES/ University of Memphis; PRYNE, D. E., DES Memphis; PAUL, J. M., DES Memphis; and PATTERSON, G. L., CERI Memphis, Updating Memphis Seismic Hazard Maps. Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America, In Abs. with Programs.

Patterson, G., C. Langston, and P. Bodin, A. Johnston, and M. Dry, (2002) Establishing Partnerships between EarthScope, Regional Media, and the Classroom: Getting ready for the Teachable Moment, EarthScope Education and Outreach Workshop, Boulder, CO, January 2002. In Abs. with Programs

Patterson, G., and M. Dry, (2002), Creating the EarthScope Legacy in Mid-America: A model for capitalizing on the E&O experience of seismic network operational facilities? Creating the EarthScope Legacy Workshop, Tucson, AR, January 2002, In Abs. With Programs.

Langston, C., Powell, C., Patterson G., (2002), Strong Ground Motion in the New Madrid Seismic Zone and Lifeline Vulnerability, Proceedings of the Fourth China-Japan-USA Trilateral Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Qindao, China, Oct. 2002

CHIU, J.M., PUJOL, J., CHIU, S.C., WITHERS, W., HORTON, S., BODIN, P., JOHNSTON, A.C., RYDELEK, P., BOLLWERK, J.,and PATTERSON, G., Preliminary Analysis of Aftershock Data from the January 26, 2001 "Republic Day" Earthquake, 2001. Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America, In Abstracts with Programs, Special Session.

RYDELEK, P., JOHNSTON, A., TUTTLE, M.,and PATTERSON, G, Explosive Cratering Generated by the Republic Day Earthquake: Sudden Release of Natural Gas or Sudden Release of elevated Pore-Water Pressure? 2001. Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America, In Abs. with Programs

Patterson, Gary L., Schweig, E., Bodin P., Promoting Seismic Hazard Awareness in a Low Recurrence, High Consequence Region is a Risky Business (2000), The Geological Society of America Annual Meetings, in Abstracts with Programs.

Patterson, G., M. Withers, and P. Bodin (2000). New Madrid Rapid Earthquake Information System, CUSEC Journal, v6 n1, 10-12.

J.M. Chiu, P. Bodin, M.Ellis, S. Pezeshk, G. Patterson, H. Hwang, Preliminary Report of the CERI Reconnaissance Team on the Effects of the 921 JiJi, Taiwan Earthquake, 1999. Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, In Abstracts with Programs. Special Session, pg 3.