Undergraduate Herve Aniglo Wins AMIS techUp! Competition
Posted on 2016-04-18
Undergraduate student Herve Aniglo won the Association for Management Information Systems (AMIS) 1st Annual techUP! Competition, held on April 9 at the U of M's Fogelman College of Business and Economics.

techUP! is a competition where students do a demonstration on a new technology and present what they learned from it. Three winners were selected from a total of 14 participants.
Herve's presentation was entitled "Creating Music with Python" and involved a demonstration of JythonMusic, an open source environment for music making and creative programming activities. Using JythonMusic, Herve turned his computer into a musical instrument, playing music by Beethoven, Deep Purple, Tupac Shakur, and Mozart. He was also able to convert the pixels in an image into music, and he experimented with the Python GUI library and connecting an OSC device (his smartphone) to his laptop.
techUp! competition host Margaret Schultz and AMIS member Robin Poston were impressed by Herve's topic and presentation, commenting that it was very unique to be able to make music with a programming language.