Alternative Test Accommodations
According to the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, Alternative Testing Accommodations are changes to regular testing conditions with additional services that allow individuals with disabilities to demonstrate their capabilities and aptitude on standardized exams or other high-stakes tests. Provisions for alternative testing requires participation from the student, faculty, and DRS staff.
Faculty Providing Testing Accommodations
Students with disabilities can accomplish the same outcomes as students without disabilities when they are supported by faculty to remove the barriers of test-taking and are able to demonstrate their acquired knowledge and skills.
- Faculty may provide direct support to students by proctoring their own exams
- If faculty assumes the responsibility of proctoring their own exams, they will need to adhere to the student’s alternative testing environment needs.
- Faculty will need to follow the specifications stated in the letter of accommodations for students, provided by students’ DRS coordinator.
If you are not able to provide testing accommodations to your student, you will need to use DRS Alternative Testing Services.
Using DRS Alternative Testing Services
Disability Resources for Students partners with faculty to support students with disabilities who are approved for alternative testing services by providing a secure and equitable testing environment. Based upon exam instructions provided by faculty, DRS testing staff prepare to administer exams accordingly. Students schedule to take their tests through DRS Online and are monitored by DRS to ensure test security. If you want to use DRS ATS, please do the following:
- Communicate with your student to let them know they will be taking their accommodated exams at DRS.
- Log in to the DRS Online Instructor Portal, click on “Alternative Testing” from the left side navigation menu and complete the exam instructions. Students or DRS staff may need access to faculty during exams if they have questions; thus it is pertinent that you include a reliable method of contact you during exams in your instructions.
- Upload your exam in DRS Online, email your exam to, or deliver your exam to 110 Wilder Tower prior to the scheduled exam time. Tests that must be converted to an alternate format must be received at least business days prior to the date of the exam. Math and chemistry exams that need to be converted must be received by DRS at least 5 days in advance of the test date.
Accommodations for Online Exams
Common accommodations for online exams will include audio format and extended test time. Additional time will need to be added to timed tests in online platforms, such as Canvas and Examplify to provide extended time and assistive technology can be used to provide the audio format. Contact UM3D for assistance adding extended time and understanding screen reader or speech-to-text technologies in Canvas. Contact the vendor directly for assistance with these accommodations in other online learning platforms.
If the rest of the class is not being proctored during a test, students with testing accommodations are not required to be proctored. If a proctor is needed, DRS can do on-ground and remote proctoring.